Chapter 55

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Hint: Pay attention to the image in the video, it's important later on ;3

Another Hint: If you start to cry, pinch the thin bit of skin between your thumb and index really hard, it worked pretty good for me :'( Yeah I admit it, I cried D'X

Seto's POV

     I threw magic at the incoming mobs, sending them flying as I darted through the free ground I had made between the hostiles. I ducked as a spider tried to leap on my head, missing me while I threw purple fire on the ground, igniting everything. I need to conserve my energy, I reminded myself, immediately snuffing out the wild flames and leaving the mobs to burn. I felt the ground rumble, then I felt it again. It repeated itself again and again. It's here. I took a deep breath, readying my magic. Should I die at the claws of this creature, then so be it.

     I felt one more tremor, then it went silent. Everything seemed to be holding its breath, and the mobs I noticed were fleeing. Then I heard a ear-splitting roar, and the obsidian wall seemed to implode for a second, then chunks of it flew toward me. I flicked up a force field, easily blocking the debris. I was going to face the Twilight Beasts' scout.

     The dragon was by far huger than me, and even larger than Herobrine's Mansion. I narrowed my eyes up at it as it bellowed, shaking everything. I recognized it as Dan's dragon version of himself, only it was itself, roaring at me.

     Seto, are you crazy!? What are you doing!?" I stole a glance at Ty, who was on the other end of the hallway, far far away. I gave him a sad smile.

     "I'm going to give you guys time, get everyone through the portal!" I shouted back, enlarging the force field in time to collide into SmaugTDM's talons. I grunted at the effort of keeping the force field intact as it roared and beared down on me again.

     "Foolish mortal." It hissed in a deep and raspy voice. "You dare to challenge me, and yet cower in that orb of magic?" Affection surged through me at the thought of keeping the others safe, and I closed my eyes, smiling.

     "No, I shall do far more than just challenge you." I replied in a clear voice, opening my eyes again. "I was simply stalling long enough to gather my energy and cast a spell." I held my hands up and brought them down in the direction of the beast. The stun spell hit the dragon directly in the chest, and it snarled in fury and pain.

     "You foolish creature! You are merely the size of an insect to me, how dare you fight me!?" My vision flickered purple, and I yawned to taunt the beast.

     "So what're you gonna do? I'm not the only one who can breathe fire now am I?"

     "You-" He realized what I had said. "NO! How!?- very well, my jaws are still larger than you, and we the Twilight Beasts shall devour everything and everyone in Minecraftia." I sighed with a bored expression on my face, keeping my adrenaline hidden as I flicked my hands at its muzzle.

     "Wrong again. Now you can't even open your mouth, and you keep giving me plenty of time for my power to charge long enough for complex spells. Care to help me with ten more minutes?" The dragon growled in pure anger, lunging at me. I teleported to the side, SmaugTDM's claws bearing into the floor. He let out an inward snarl, which still reverberated through my ears.

     "I was kidding by the way. I already knew that you were coming, so I have been charging my spells." I summoned huge ropes to tangle the beast just long enough to trip him. I started feeling the effect of waning energy through my fatigue, but I knew that I had to stay strong. I took a deep breath, then placed my hands together in front of me and directed them at SmaugTDM. "You're not welcome here." I threatened, then shouted the spell. My hands burst into flames at the amount of energy being summoned, then they started to glow. The kept glowing brighter and brighter until I was surrounded in a five mile diameter of pure light. Then I lifted my hands up and swung them at the dragon, as if I were bowling with an orb of light with both hands. I knew I had hit my mark when the dragon screamed in pain, and I got smacked  with his tail and flung into a wall. I cried out in pain and exhaustion. The dragon wrenched away from the building and stumbled back a terabyte, still covered in light.

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