Chapter 20

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"Well, I've missed you guys!" I announced, hugging each of them.

"But how do you still recognize us, or still have your memories?" Seto asked incredulously.

Hailey shrugged. "Dunno, but we followed Wildstar here." She paused, peering at me. "By the way, you should go after her?" She suggested.

I immediately let go of Ty and ran after the direction Wildstar took.

"I hope she's ok!" I muttered to myself. I came to a graveyard, to my surprise. I slowed to a walk, stopping in horror. "The... Dah..." I stammered to myself, peering at the headstones. The mist curled around my feet, whispering something I didn't understand.

"Dovahkiin... Dovahkiin..." It murmured. That sounded like the same language Wildstar spoke in sometime... But what language?

I stopped beside one that had two names scrawled in the blocky features of inscriptions.

"GoldenPelt and CloudStrike..." I squatted down, rubbing off a touch of dust. Wasn't CloudStrike Wildstar's brother? Then this meant that she had to have passed through here!

I kept walking past the graves, approaching a clearing. The first thing I noticed was a deep breathing sound. Was there something nearby? I grabbed the hilt of my katana, observing the lake in the center of the clearing. I then noticed a huge dragon lying beside the water, staring mournfully in its reflection.

"Wildstar!" I ran up to the creature, noticing how large it was. Geez, Godzilla size! I started spamming her with questions.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked breathlessly, leaning over on my knees for a moment. "Why did you run off? Are you really a murderer?"

"Aye." She curled her tail, lying her muzzle on her paws. "I'm always blamed for something, young one." She stared depressed at the sunset. It made me feel sorry for her. I hesitantly came up to her thick pelt, stroking her neck. She started making some sort of purring noise, so I flew onto her muzzle. I curled up, posing a calm attitude as I fell asleep.

Ty's POV

"So. What are we going to do about Herobrine? Gang up on him?" Adam started laughing.

"Yeah,we could sit on him until he surrenders!" I gawked at him.

"Not what I meant!" I protested.

"Well well well." A voice drawled.

"Wh-who is that?" Ashlyn stammered. Amy leaned against Mitch, looking around wildly.

"I know that voice." Seto mutter. He flexed his fingers, purple fire licking the tips.

"Show yourself!" I growled, readying my fire breath.

"If you insist." White eyes winked from the shadows of the forest before he stepped forward.

"I believe you have- had- something of mine." Then he leaped forward, summoning a fireball in his palm. I sprang forward, snarling as Adam flew behind me.

"She's not yours!" I hissed. Seto drew a shield around the girls and Nathon, who were all scared.

The battle had just begun.

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