Chapter 42

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Yeah, maybe I should have mentioned this, but this story is definitely going over 45 chaptas people! :D

     I pushed through some leaves to see the rest of our group sitting around a makeshift fire, with Herobrine sitting dangerously next to it and sticking his hand in the flames. I was about to yell, "Da heck are you doing playing with fire!?" when I remembered that he's a god.


     I watched as the others looked up and slowly got up and left, leaving me, Ty and Seto alone with the immortal. Then I slowly took a step forward, then another, and again until I stood beside Herobrine.

     "You think you know everything?" He rumbled quietly, staring into the small orange flames that licked his hands. "You think you understand the situation?" I swallowed hard and glanced back at Ty and Seto, who both gave me an encouraging nod.

     "You're the god of the Nether, and you're evil, are you not?" I asked carefully. He slowly faced me with his glowing white eyes.

     "Yes, and no." He replied sadly. He lifted his hand, but the flames came with him as he cradled the small inferno like it was a life line. I blinked a few times and tipped my head at his carefulness. "I do rule the Nether, but I only seem evil. I do what people say I do out of rage. Most of what people say are just rumors, empty truths." The fire crackling was all that disturbed the fallen silence as Herobrine continued.

     "What you don't understand is that when someone from the real world enters Minecraft, their Minecraft self enters the real world. And you don't understand just how important EnderShade was to me." I sat up a little bit. There it was again. EnderShade. My Minecraft version's name. I cautiously stretched my hand forward and rested it on Herobrine's knee.

     "And why was she so important?" I asked softly. He closed his hand, and the flames vanished, then slowly looked up with dimmer than normal eyes.

     "Because... she was my daughter." He murmured. I heard Ty gasp in surprise behind me. Herobrine bowed his head sadly.

     "Yes. Samantha, however, is another story. A whole other person. But EnderShade was my child. My only child. She was borne to a Sorceress. She didn't survive after EnderShade spawned, but her son from before she fell in love with me did. She was a widow."

     "You mean I- er, EnderShade- has a brother?" I asked.Herobrine nodded, his eyes dimming in a sadness.

     "Who? Who is it?" Ty asked, edging closer. Herobrine shook his head.

      "I can not say. Not yet." Then he stood up. "I hope you will at least consider that it's not me that's the bad guy. It's something entirely different."

     "Who is it?" I questioned. He shook his head again.

     "I can't say."

     "Well is there anything you can say?" Ty snapped.

     "I have said what I could. I bid you luck; the next time we meet won't be as peaceful. You still need to fight me." Then he teleported and was gone, leaving me and Ty staring at where he had stood in utter confusion, while Seto was lost in thought with a nervous expression. Ty and I both looked at each other, and then I was the one to break the silence.

     "Who the heck do you think is EnderShade's brother!?"

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