Chapter 24

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     "Dragon alert! Dragon alert!" The words escaped me before I could stop myself. I clamped my hands over my mouth, but I was too late. A dragon immediately roared, slamming into the poor creature.

     Shoot, I gotta help it somehow. I ran after the tussling creatures, who had left destruction (such as knocked over trees) in their wake. I finally caught up as the dragon begged to Wildstar "Please... I only ask for help." He looked battered up already, obviously didn't fight back when Wildstar mauled him.

     Wildstar's eyes unnarrowed. "And what be your name, lad?" She growled.

     "J-Jordan." I gasped inwardly. Herobrine had really felt like playing around with who we were in this world if he created their YouTuber hybrid halves!

     "Well Jordan, the name's WSW."

     "WSW... Would the first W stand for Wildstar by any chance?" Wildstar helped him back up, as she had knocked him over just before I had found them.


     "Shrea." I whispered, watching the scene before me. How do I know what that means?

     "Hmm... How does that name sound familiar..." Jordan trailed off, lost in thought. I was about to make my presence known when arrows suddenly flew above my head, burying themselves into Wildstar's tough hide. She snarled and whipped around as I ducked, not knowing what was going on.

     "Protect Samantha!" She barked to Jordan before springing past me to tackle the enemy. As I turned around for my gaze to follow her, I was picked up from behind.

     "Let me go!" I protested to Jordan, squirming to be freed. "I wanna help!"

     "You need to stay safe, according to Wildstar." I jerked upward, freeing myself of Jordan's grip and running after where Wildstar had run off to. The trees flew by in a blur of green as I kept running. I had to help somehow, but how... but how?

     I finally spotted Wildstar tangled engaged in battle, throwing a horrendous creature off her back. Rage flew through me, and before I knew what I was doing, I started marching to where the mythological creatures were snarling at me.

     "Samantha! Get out of here." Wildstar snarled before she fought another enemy. I raised my hand slowly to where the enemy began to charge at me. I opened my mouth as a response, but it was one no one would have ever guessed.

     Me speaking in a language I thought I didn't know, or one I had rarely heard spoken.

     "FO KRAH DIIN!"

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