Welcome Baby.....Part 2

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That's Aisha x

Jahmaine's *POV*

After hours of a prolonged physio session, and countless activites to ensure I'm rational, I was finally able to go visit Amira.
I dressed in my grey tracksuit bottoms and black shirt, I then sat in the wheelchair as I wasn't in a fit state to walk.

"You ready?" Mustafa asked me

"Yes" I said "Of course I am"

He then wheeled me out of the room and to the elevator to go down. The elevator moved so slow there were a bunch of people on it and this man was constantly sneezing without covering his mouth, another women was on the phone swearing nonstop. Ya Allah, please guide these people. It was finally time to come off (thank Allah)

"I hope she's not in labour" I said

"Hajj would of let me know" Mustafa said, he then wheeled me into a small room and I then saw Amira under the hospital bed flipping through a vogue magazine. I then coughed to grab her attention.

"Got any space in your bed?" I asked. She then looked up and smiled so hard.

"Jahmaine!" She said getting up slowly "What are you doing here?"

"I came to see you" I said. Mustafa then helped me get up as I walked towards her and hugged her so tight, I could've sworn her tummy was 10 times bigger. Wait is that offensive?

"I'll leave you two to it" Mustafa said walking off.

"Ok bye" I said waving.

"If you weren't so weak right now" he said laughing. I smiled and looked back at Amira and her beautiful glowing face.

"Jahmaine, I don't think you understand how happy I am to see you" she said

"Me as well" I said. I then kissed her forehead and stroked her hair softly.

"Shouldn't you be resting?" She asked

"I've had enough rest" I said "literally"

She then chuckled and rest her head on my chest.

"Oh, my waters broke by the way" she said

"I know, how is it your not in pain?" I asked

"Because im not exactly in labour" she said.

"I'm so happy to be alive right now, I'm going to see the birth of our baby inshallah" I said

"Yeah" she said stroking her tummy

"Whats wrong?" I asked

"Nothing" she replied sitting on the bed.

"No. Amira, you have to tell me" I said following her.

"My contractions have started" she said rubbing her tummy.

"Oh..." I said "What do I do?"

"Nothing at the moment, I'd rather wait until it fully kicks INNN" She said shouting the last part.

"I think it has, I'm going to get a nurse" I said

"No, no I don't need a nurse" she said "Not yet"

"Amira what if something goes wrong?"

"Then we get a nurse" she said "I'm fine for now" she said.

Amira hasn't changed one bit.

"Can you text my parents please and yours, I want them to be here" she said

"Yeah sure" I said grabbing her phone. I stared at her lock screen which was a picture of me and her, it was taken the 3rd week we were married. I remember it so well, she had on a long turquoise dress, and a light blue scarf, I was so casually in my basketball shorts and a white shirt.

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