The Operation

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*Jahmaine's POV*

The day had come, the day Mustafa was giving baby Mohammed his kidney, I sat in the hospital with him and Amira who was kind of working at the same time, she looked so proffesional in her doctors uniform, she came round to check on Mustafa every couple of minutes but I really think It was to see me.
"You nervous?" I asked Mustafa while munching on his grapes.
"Not really, I'll be asleep when they do all that anyway" he said
"Yeah, but you'll feel the pain when you wake up" I said
"What?!?, no one ever told me that" he said
"don't worry, they'll give you pain relief or something"
"They better, me and pain don't go well together" he said
"I know, but remember your doing such a good thing mashallah" I said patting his head
"Yep" He replied

"Hows the patient doing?" A lady said coming In.
"Im fine" Mustafa said
"Thats good, well where going to begin the operation in 30 minutes, so we need to take you to major theatre, I'll send a nurse round to prep you" the lady said writing a few things on her clipboard
"Okay great" Mustafa said
"he means thank you" I said nudging him.

*Amiras POV*

After checking on Mustafa, I went to the major theatre operation room to get Mohammeds operation ready, I set up a few things then went back to Abu and Nifa and baby Mohammed.
"Hows he doing?" I asked putting my hand through the little hole.
"Good Mashallah, he just woke up" Nifa said
"Aww bless him, well It's time to get him prepped" I said opening up the incubator, I carefully gently picked him up and handed him to some other nurses.
"Anything we can do?" Abu asked
"Nope, other than wait for your son to get his new kidney" I said
"Inshallah" Abu said

"Amira, I need you to go and get patient 167 ready" Katie said, who was a doctor I always used to follow her round the ward when I first came, well not anymore.
"Patient 167,thats mustafa right" I said
"Yeah" she said going to the operating room, I waved at Abu and Nifa and set off to help Mustafa, I reached his ward and saw Jahmaine and Mustafa laughing away, they stopped as soon as they saw me come.
"Hey" I said smiling
"Heeeey" Mustafa said smiling at me which was a bit creepy.
"okaay" I said awkwardly, while unplugging a few things, I checked his blood pressure and heart rate and everything seemed fine.
"Time to put you to sleep" I said, pulling out a pack of injections
"Wait If I dont make it, I just wanna let you know I love you" Mustafa said
"Shut up, and you will make it Inshallah" I said
"I actually can't wait until you put him to sleep" Jahmaine said
"I know right" I said, I pulled out the injection and injected his arm, he slowly began to doze off.

"Well your good to go" I said pulling his bed forward
"Wait, You mean Its time for the operation?" Jahmaine asked
"Yep, you can come wait outside the operation room" I said "Abu and Nifa are there waiting too"
"Okay, let's do this" Jahmaine said. I wheeled the bed along the corridor and Into the opetating room where all the doctors stood waiting to operate.
I sat on the chair with Dr Nelson
"Well done for the prep" he said
"Thank you" I replied
"Well are you ready to observe your 3rd opetation" he said
"Yep" I said, I then heard Mohammed start to cry, and I just wish I could comfort him, his cry then slowly faded, he had been put to sleep, the operation then began.

3 hours later

He has done it, oh boy he has done It, I never thought I'd hear myself say these words but I am so proud of Mustafa, he did such a good thing, May Allah reward him.
"Its been a successes" Dr Nelson said handing me the file
"Allhamdulilah" I said, he then gave me a confused look.
"Praise be to God" I said afterwards, he then nodded
"Would you like to go deliver the news?" He asked
"It would be my pleasure" I said walking to the door I opened It and saw Abu, Nifa and Jahmaine sitting on the benches dozing.
"Guys" I whispered "Guys" I whispered again but slightly louder.
"Hello!" I shouted and they all woke in unison.
"Hey sis, how was It?" Abu asked getting up holding my shoulders.
"It's been a succsses" I said repeating Dr Nelsons words, they all cheered and sighed in relief hugging me.
"How are they?" Nifa asked
"there both very good, but still unconsious but they'll be awake soon, Mohammed will still have to stay in hospital for a while as his premature" I said
"Your amazing" Nifa said giving me another hug. I then looked over at Jahmaine who was smiling but seemed tired.
"You okay?" I asked
"Yeah Im good, when can I go see Mustafa?" he asked
"When he wakes up Inshallah" I said
"Well done, Im proud of you" Jahmaine said
"Well I didn't really do much other than watch and get them prepped" I said
"Yeah but Im always proud of you" Jahmaine said
"Umm Okay" Abu said disruspting us
"Oh shut up" I said, as we all played and mucked about.
I thank Allah the operation was such a success, Allhamdulilah, Mustafa was truly amazing. And Mohammed was one brave baby, I prayed that all the stress flowed out of Abu and Nifa, and they could raise their beautiful baby boy with no worries.

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