The Joys of Camping *PART 1*

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*Jahmaine's POV*

Me, Abu, Ismail, Amira, Ariana and Nifa were all semi-cramped in the back Hajj's Terraza. The girls were sat a row in front of us, and I was sat with the boys a row behind them. Ismail said he had marriage problems to talk to us about, wow the benefits of this camping trip are starting to take place.
"I love her, but I feel like she's been a bit off with me if you get what I mean" He said queitly

"How's she been off?" I asked

"She literally doesn't pay me as much attention, she's really focused on herself" he said

"As in, she's vain, that's Ariana for you" Abu said

"She was never like that, I feel like she's drifting away"

"Slowly drifting, drifting away, wave after wave-" Abu sang, we all then laughed.

"Ismail i think this camping trip would be good for us, you know, it might give you a chance to talk to ariana" I said

"Yeah his right and not only because we're in the middle of nowhere" Abu said

"Like aunt hibatu said, were gonna face challenges and we'll need to work as a team" i said

"Exactly don't lose hope bro, Ariana loves you" Abu said. He then slightly smiled and rested his head back.

"Thanks guys" he whispered

"You tired?" I asked him

"Yeah I didn't get much sleep" he said

"Why's that?" I asked

"I have no clue" he replied

"Maybe you should talk to Amira" Abu said

"Good suggestion" i said, I then leaned forward and flicked her on the shoulder. She slowly turned around.

"Yes?" She said in a suspicious tone, ha she probably thinks were going to prank her.

*light bulb moment*
She needs to get pranked on this trip.
*light bulb moment over*

"We need some doctoral advice" i said

"Doctoral? Really?" She said smiling


"What's wrong anyway" she asked

"It's Ismail, his having sleep problems" i said

"What time do you fall asleep Ismail?"

"Around 6:30AM and sleep maximum for 4 hours" he said

"Maximum" i said in shock

"Yes" he said

"Luckily i brought sleeping pills with me then" she said "you could have Insomnia, have you ever heard of that?" She asked him

"Yes, I have" he said

"Well at least were clear on that, i'll start of by giving you a light dose of sleeping pills to see how bad it is" she said

"Wow well thanks" he said

"But I'll give them to you when we've actually set up camp and stuff" she said

"Say nothing" he said smiling "hopefully I'll be getting a good sleep tonight"

"Trust me, you will" she said as she turned back around.

"See why my wife is amazing" i said

"See why we don't want her to leave" Abu said under his breath. I pretended not to hear. We've been driving for nearly 2 hours now, it was 7:51 and the sky was getting dark. We still had to build our tents and make food, I remember going Kenya on one of my father's work trips, there was this little 13 year old boy who could spend a week out in the woods and come out safe, I knew I should've gone with him.

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