When Do You Want My Kidney?

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*Amiras POV*

The rest of our honeymoon was amazing, we visited a lot of places and had great fun at our Hawaiin home. We made new hawaiin friends and they invited us over to their house for dinner, and we also invited them over to ours, for dinner. It was a really memorable trip and I hope to go back there again.

Before we left we were able to check on our padlock and It was still there standing out the most because our love stood out the most, after our honeymoon I stayed with Jahmaime and his family for 2 days but then I came back home to revise more and help Abu and Nifa, I Haven't seen Jahmaine for 3 days, but today we were going to have a family meeting to see If we could get a Kidney transplant for Mohamed quickly.

Meanwhile I was upstairs fixing myself up but half the family were already downstairs.

"Hey sis" Ariana said coming in my bedroom with Swafa and Sharifa.

"Hey" I said hugging her and the kids

"How was your honeymoon?" she asked

"It was really good Allhamdilulah, how Is you?" I asked

"Were all good" Ariana said smiling. 

"Aunt Amira" Swafa said holding on to my leg

"Hey Swafa how are you?" I asked

"I wanna give my kidney" she said, I looked up at Ariana.

"She may have overheard me telling Ismail" Ariana said

"she gets the eavesdropping from you" I said

"Baby, you can keep your kidney" Ariana said picking her up

"exactly, your too special to give your kidney away" I said squeezing her cheek.

"Lets go downstairs" I said, we all made our way downstsirs and left the kids with Aisha.

"Asalam aleikum everyone" I said entering the living room, there was a short chorus of salams. I looked over and surprisedly saw Jahmaine and Abu sat on the sofa talking, I thought Jahmaine would be at work and I thought Abu would be at hospital, I hadn't seen him since I came back.

"Hii" I said hugging Abu, I sat next to him

"How are you brother?" I asked

"Im getting there" he said, he didn't look happy, he changed a lot, his beard grew and his hair grew as well, I don't think he'd been bothered to shave or go to the barbers

"everything will get better" I said

"Inshallah" he said

"We all pray for baby Mohammed everyday" Jahmaine said

"Exactly" I added

"Lets just hope we got a donor very soon" Abu said.

"Well, I have some good news" Jahmaine said standing up, we all looked at him. 

"What Is It?" Abu said hopefully

"I think I may have an available donor" he said

"Who?" my dad asked

"You might take this as a surprise but It's....."

*Jahmaines POV*


"So Abu's baby is very sick, and he needs a kidney donor and he needs one quick" I told Mustafa

"Who would give away their

kidney?"Mustafa asked

"I don't know, and there's a lot of premature babies that need one, so Mohammed Is pretty far down the list" I said sipping my drink

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