Chapter 13: Grads&Birth Party and A surprise letter

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*Amiras POV*

I had just put on my make up and I stared at my reflection in the mirror. Nope no wrinkles yet, It was my 22nd today plus my graduation party.

I put on a Light blue headscarf and gold headpiece with a long light blue dress with a white long sleeve blouse underneath.

"you look nice" Jahmaine said sitting beside me and literally budging me out of the seat.

"Thank you" I said getting up, I then put on my silver hooped earings an old black blazer and blue wedges. My OOTD.

We were going to celebrate in a resturant my parents had booked out, I was only going to invite close friends and family as I didn't want something to big.

"I'll go and wait in the car" I said going downstairs, I hopped into the car waiting.

Jahmaine was taking his time and I was getting bored, I then felt my foot touch something, I looked down and picked It up, It was an un-opened envelope I stared at it confused wondering what It could be, It was definately Jahmaines as It had his name written on It. I didn't know whether to open it or not.

I opened It.

And I was very very shocked, it was a letter about a transfer, my heart then started beating fast. As soon as Jahmaine entered the car I stuffed the letter in my bag and tried to act normal. I was silent throughout the whole ride and only nodded and mumbled small sentences, I was still shocked, why would Jahmaine want a transfer, or why was he offered a transfer, he was a lawyer, why would he need a transfer?

We finally reached the resturant and I greeted everyone so did Jahmaine, we went in and I sat on the circular table surrounded by Family and friends.

"I told the lady that I'm married"

Abu said, telling everyone another story about how another lady approached him, I was actually feeling sorry for Nifa.

Although It was my Birthay/graduation party, It seemed like it was Abu's though.

"Are you okay Amira?" Aunt safina asked

"Yeah I'm fine thanks" I replied

"Are you sure, your pretty queit" she said

"yeah, I just got a bit of a headache" I said rubbing my forehead

"Aww, should I get Hajj to do a dua" she asked

"No, I have headache pills in my bag anyway" I said over all the noise.

I then turned left and saw Jahmaine talking to Aisha, I didn't know wether to talk to him about the letter or not.

"Are you sure your okay?" Jahmaine semi whispered in my ear, I then nodded.

"Im fine, I promise" I said smiling at him.

I was still shocked and I was so eager to find out why Jahmaine needed a transfer? I then looked at my food and was able to eat a bit until I needed some air. I then excused myself and went outside, I stared into the cold dark night until I felt someone come and sit next to me.

"Im going to ask you if your okay, and this time you better tell the truth" Jahmaine said

"It's noth-" I began

"No, Amira don't bother lying, just tell me" he said

I then searched my bag and took out the letter. He then grabbed the letter quickly and read it. I glanced at him worridely.

"Where did you find It?" he asked

"that's not important, what's important is you explaining this" I said taking the letter.

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