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Amiras *POV*

I didn't even get an hour of sleep yesterday due to Amanis uncontrollable cries, I did breastfeed her and Jahmaine even sang to her. Whenever he carried her she'd calm down and smile  but as soon as she was in my arms she'd go crazy, it's almost as if she didn't like me.

Today we were going Friday Juma prayers, this would be the first time the community's seeing baby Amani. I had just come out the shower and found Jahmaine in his boxers dancing around.

"It's just a hideaway na na na feeling!" He sang forgetting the lyrics. He then locked eyes with me and grabbed my hand and started dancing with me.

"Jahmaine stop am in my towel" I said clutching onto it while laughing.

"Who cares?" He said spinning me around.

"I do" I said letting my hand free from his.

I then went and dried up my body. I wore my black skinny jeans and vest  and then  put on a black abaya on top, I then put a white lace top over my abays to give it a bit of life. I finished up my makeup and put on a grey headscarf and leather jacket. All done up.

Jahmaine wore his white hooded jubba thobe, he looked so handsome with it on.

"are you going to dress Amani?" I asked

"Well I don't know what she should wear, you're the mother" he said

"Jahmaine just put on her white baby grow and white wool jumper on top." I said

"Fine" he said fishing through the wardrobe.

I pulled out my phone and received a text from Aisha saying:

"Can I come with you for Juma, I'm like 5 minutes away so I'm coming anyway"

What's the point of her asking to come and then say she's coming all in one text.

"There's so much things we need to start planning" Jahmaine said

"What?" I asked

"We need to perform Amanis Aqiqah, and prepare to tell our family about moving to Massachusetts"

"Oh right, well we need to tell them soon seeing as we're moving in about 4 months" I said

"I just don't know how" Jahmaine said as he pulled Amani out of the cot.

"Neither do I, maybe we can have a family dinner or something" I suggested

"Or tell them at the Aqiqah" he said

"Even better" I said

"I mean she's nearly a month old so it's best we do it soon"

"True, should we plan it for next week?" I asked

"Yes I'll call Sheikh Yusef" Jahmaine said as he lay Amani down on the bed next to me, i then stared at her as a smile automatically formed on my face. She was just perfect.

"Anyway im going downstairs" i said getting up.


"Because Aishas coming i need to get ready to open the door"

"Im sure Mustsfa can do that" Jahmaine said, I then gave him the 'My Sisters In Love With Him But His Feelings Aren't Symmetric' Look.

"Ohh, i forgot they were once whipped on eachother" he said.

"But now you do" i said.

I went downstairs and into the living room and found Mustsfa watching T.V.

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