Chapter 25: It's Fine

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*Amiras POV*

I'm officially 8 months pregnant, I was so excited, pretty soon my baby girl will be in my arms. Today the hospital called me, good news. Mustafa was fully awake, he broke his leg and a few fractures on his skull, but other than that, he was okay and would be coming home next week. He was going back to parents house though, Abu was already at mums and dads and we were all looking after him although he was taking advantage and constantly asking everyone to do things for him. But that's Abu for you.

Today I was going for my final scan before I give birth. I was going with my mum and dad but preferably I'd want Jahmaine.

I put on a long cream dress and a white turtle neck underneath, I then put on a white turban and did my makeup.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked my parents.

"Just give me 5 minutes the games nearly over" my dad said turning the volume up on the TV.

"But papa I'm going to end up being late" I said "Mum are you ready?"

"Darling I still haven't finished folding up the clothes" my mum said

"Papa, mum my appointments in 55 minutes" I said

"The games finishing in 30 minutes" My dad said. I then started rubbing on my tummy feeling the baby kick.

"Please guys, I'll only end up leaving" I said. They then both looked at me.

"Fine" my dad said getting up with his eyes still fixed on the screen.

"Let me just fold two more clothes" my mum said.

I then put on my light pink trench coat.

And my dad put on his boots.

"Lets go" he said putting his arms around my shoulders.

"Papa?" I called

"Yes" he replied

"What am I going to do if Jahmaine don't make it" I said

"Don't think like tha-"

"I know but what if?" I asked

"Then you grief as you wish, and pray, and look after your baby all with the support of us" he said

"I need to do something" I said

"What do you mean?" He asked

"I need to go see Maryam?" I asked

"What now?" He said. I then nodded.

"I need answers, I need to talk with her properly" I said

"But Amira, are you sure this is a good idea" my dad said

"Yes" I said "I should of done this a long time ago" getting in the car, he then followed me in and my mum soon after.

"Can't wait to see my granddaughter" my mum said

"Mum were not exactly going to the hospital straight away"

"What? Why?" She asked

"She wants to go see  Maryam" my dad said

"And why would you want to do that? She's the reason for all of this" my mum said

"I need anwers" I said

"What do you mean?" My mum asked

"I just...I need to speak with her. Alone" I said

"Amira I'm not gonna let you do this" she said

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