Bachelorrate and Bucks night: (Part 1)

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*Amiras POV*

So a lot of people have come up to me and said:

"Hey Amira, your going to be a wife tommorow"

"Your getting married tommorow"

and It all sounds surreal, I am getting married tommorow. Amira is getting married tommorow. Tommorow I'll be sleeping in a bed with my husband.

It was still a blur to me, all this was happening sooo fast, Im graduating from Uni this september, I had a big exam in June as well, 3 years ago I sat in a hall doing my A-levels, and I still remember sitting there my heart beating so fast. Well look at me now, Allhamdilulah, I've come so far and I thank Allah every single day.

So today I was having my "Bachelorrate/hens" night. I know it's not much of an arabic/egyptian tradition, but I just thought we'd bring a western touch into this.

Me, Aisha, Ariana, My mum, and Hadija were organising for the party. Abu told me that Jahmaine was also having something similar, a "bucks" night, that was more of an australlian thing. So Abu had to leave to go help him organise.

We were going to have the party downstairs in the dining room. Then my bedroom was for 21+ only, to have a girly chat and talk bout me getting married, we were also going to do some henna and makeup on people, I did not want any henna because It turns into some orange colour i don't like. 'Orange henna that's the stuff I don't like',

We were gonna eat popcorn and watch films, the film I had prepared was "Arranged Marriage To A Vain D***head", Its about this girl who got an arranged marriage to marry The Zayn Malik. Today was going to be awesome!

"Mum pass me the table cover", Aisha said chewing on digestives

she covered up the table with this purple plastic thing. I then put snacks on it like crisp, doughnouts, samosas, chocolate, cake, halal sausages on a stick and some fried chicken. I then put drinks out, sprite, 7-up although there the exact same thing, cocola, water, shloer, and some orange juice. I stuck a couple of balloons on the wall, banners and decorations.

So everything was done, I then went to have a shower and got dressed, I wore a light pink waterfall dress and I did some loose curls hair and contoured and highlighted my face, with this pink blush Aisha bought me yesterday and mascara and eyeliner.

Aisha was wearing a light blue baby doll dress and straightened her hair.

Ariana wore a purple top and a lighter shade skirt and had her hair in a doughnout,Hadija wore a Peach hem dress and left her hair out. They all looked beautiful Mashallah.

"O Allah, I hope today goes well with no complications" I whispered under my breath, I put my abaya over my dress and prayed Zuhr, I spent around 25-30 minutes reading the Quran and doing Dua. I then took of my abaya and went to go look at my dress for the Walima, It was a beautiful white dress with long sleeves, It looked a bit like Kate Middletons, It came with this beautiful long veil, I also bought these sparkly silver heels. I took the veil of the dress and wore it, just to indicate Im The Bride, and to make myself remember that Im The Bride.

There was then a sudden knock on the door

"come in" I shouted, then my dad came in smiling

"Wheres the blushing bride?" he said

"papa, your not meant to be here" I said getting up and hugging him.

"I know but I wanted to see my daughter one last time before she got married"

"Awww", I said tearing up, man I was seriously an emotional person.

"don't cry" he said "just say Allhamdilulah"

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