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*Jahmaines POV*

I think it's time for another update?, Do you?, hahaha. Like Kitty Crackers said, here is my eid present to you *thumbs up*

Its been nearly 2 weeks since Amiras accident and they were gonna try and wake her up today. I missed her so much and I missed our stupid pranks and conversations, I just wanted to hug her and tell her how sorry I am. I'd been at the hospital everyday and I promised myself I wasn't going to leave until she woke up.

Me and Hajj were at the hospital at the moment jus hoping to see her beautiful face again.

"Were gonna inject some medicine into her and turn off some of the machines" the doctor said preparing the needle.

"Will It wake her up?" Hajj asked

"hopefully, she's been on life support for these couple of days up until now" the doctor said.

"She was meant to be graduating" Hajj said

"She will Inshallah, the Uni arranged It for later" I said, we then watched the doctor inject her as he took some notes.

"What does Inshallah mean?" the doctor asked

"God willing" Hajj replied

"Oh, I hear a lot of muslims say It at first I thought It was a name, then I wondered how does every muslim know this one person" the doctor said, we all then laughed.

"I'll be back soon" the doctor said walking out

"Wait, what do we do If she wakes up?" I asked

"Well you tell her how much you miss her and that you love her" the doctor said

"Of course" I said sitting back down.

I then looked over at Hajj who held her hand and was praying under his breath. 

"Wake up Amira" he said "Please, wake up" 

"She'll be awake Inshallah" I said

"indeed.Do you want some tea?" Hajj asked, I then nodded and held back onto Amiras hand.

"I think you can hear me, Hopefully you can hear me, but I just want to let you know how much I love you and how my life is nothing without you, I take back everything I said in the stupid argument, and I dont care If your still angry with me, I forgive you I'm just hoping you'll forgive me" I said hoping that she'd hear. I waited for a few minutes until I heard her take a deep breath.

 I then felt her hand twitch and I got up from my seat quickly.

"Doctor!" I shouted, a lady then came in quickly

"Her hand moved" I said slightly smiling

"Which hand?" the nurse said, I then pointed at her right hand. The nurse looked at the machine and looked at  me.

"Looks like shes waking up, I'll be right back" she said, she then walked out of the room as soon as she exited I stared at Amira as I watched her body come back to life.

"Amira" I called "Amira!" I said louder, her hand then moved more and her eyes slightly opened, I smiled in joy and felt this energy run through my veins. She'd woken up quicker than we all thought.

"Hey baby, welcome back" I said as I watched my wifes existence on earth return, her eyes then fully opened and she stared at me.

"Where am I?" She asked queitly.

"Your in hospital" I said kissing her forehead, she then touched her head.

"My head hurts" She moaned

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