Amira's Big Break

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*Amiras POV*

There was nothing better than being in the comfort of your own Country. I had landed in Egypt last night and was staying at my Grandmas and cousins house at the moment.

It felt good to be alone and not stress or worry about anything. Like bills and such and such.

I woke up early the next morning and got Into the bath, I then came downstairs and was greeted by 4 kids, the oldest Hassan who was 23, the second oldest Ackeem who was 16; the third oldest Maria who was 13, and then the baby of the family Shalfah who was 3.

It was my second time meeting them because the last time I came, I was only 17 and I seemed to get on with Hassan very well as our age difference wasn't very big.

But It was my first time meeting Shalfah as she wasn't born when I came.

The reason why they were living with Grandma is becaue there mum abobded them, my Auntie, and they were left in the hands of my Grandma Raheema who wasn't very wealthy and stable to look after them.

After eating breakfast with them and sharing funny stories I went outside and sat in the small garden shortly followed by Hassan.

(There actually speaking in Egyptian/arabic, but I put it in english so everyone understands, Your Welcome :) )

"Why are you sat out here?" he asked

"I just wanted some air" I said

"I see, how are things back home?"

"fantastic mashallah" I said

"Seriously?, are they?" he asked

"Yeah, why do you ask like that?" I said defensively.

"Then why else did you come here?, you normally come when you run into problems, what problem are you in now?"

"Ok well, I got married" I said

"When did you get married?" he asked

"like 6 months ago, and me and my husband ran into a problem, and I had another car accident" I said standing up and leaning on the balcony.

"What?; he ran you over?" he asked

"no he didn't run me over?, I don't even know who did, all I know is that they left me there for dead" I said

"oh I'm sorry to hear that"

"I know; so thats why I came here Hassan, just to get a break" I said facing him, he then opened his mouth to speak but stopped and gave me a hug.

I then smiled as I captured his warm embrace.

"I also come here to see you guys as well you know" I said

"I know you do, and believe me, I'm very happy your here" Hassan said hugging me again.

I loved how close we were it made me want to stay longer, but Jahmaine was probably missing me already.

Jahmaines *POV*

"Come on bro, your handles are crap" I said as Abu tried to take the ball of me.

"No your handles are crap" he said

"Ok, come on try get the ball of me" I said, he then managed to get the ball and shoot surprisedly.

"They call me Abu Avatar" he said, I then burst out laughing.

"Abu Avatar, really?" I questioned

"Yep, Abu Avatar", he said repeating his stupid name again.

"Im gonna sit down" I said relaxing on the bench.

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