Heaven Help Us

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*Jahmaine's POV*

How could she do this,? How could she sink so low?

"And that's when she hit me on the head" Mustafa explained to the police. "I have no problem with these two, I have no idea why she lied"

Our neighbour then confirmed to not calling the police.

"I guess we got all the information we need" The police man said, I walked him to the door while Amira cleaned up Mustafas scar.

"I can't believe Maryam" I said walking in the room.

"Neither can I, she's actaully so sick in the head" Mustafa said. 

"Just when I thought I'd forgotten about her, forgotten about the whole thing" Amira said sitting down.

"The police have put harrastment charges on her. She ain't allowed 50 metres near our house" I sai "If she does, then it's prison for her"

"I never knew It would go that far" Amira said as I came and sat next to her. She leaned on my shoulders, and I could hear his heart beat so loud. 

"Guys, I'm scared" Amira said queitly.

"Don't be, I'm not gonna let her touch any of you" I said

"Why is she obsessed with you?" Amira asked asked.

"I don't know" I replied

"Jahmaine, let me talk to you for a minute alone." Mustafa said.

"I'll be upstairs" Amira said getting up. As soon as she left the room Mustafa came and sat right near me.

"Amira's gonna find out one way or another, Maryam will not keep queit about this" He said worriedly.

"I know, and that's why we need to make sure she stays away. Oh Allah forgive me" I said digging my head into my hands.

"I'm not gonna let her ruin what you and Amira got, you two are like my best friends, and I don't want her to get in the way" Mustafa said. I then looked at him and smiled.
Me and Amira were moving to the Massachusetts in less than 7 months, It was definately going to break Mustafa in half. I wish I could undo that transfer, I don't want to leave, I can't leave.

"I know bro, I know. And me and Amira are too strong. Maryam won't ruin nothing" I said

"I told Maryam that even if she tells you guys, Amira will find a way to forgive you anyway because of how much she loves you" Mustafa said. I then paused for a bit.

Me and Amira were stronger than ever, and each time Maryam tried breaking us apart we just grew stronger. Now I think of it, we both know how she was trying to seperate us. Im just stuck here hiding a guilty secret. If Amira knows about me and Maryam then everything will be out of the way. They may a big argument and Amira may be angry for a long period of time but like Mustafa said were too strong, there's no way we'd break up.
Maybe it was about time I told Amira, Maryam was taking this too far.

"You're right" I said to Mustafa holding his shoulders "Do you think I should tell her?" I asked him.
He then shrugged his shoulders.

"If I was in your shoes and absoloutely commited to a girl then yes. I mean Amira is so hot so I would not risk losing her" he said again. Amira is everything I want in a girl, I had to tell her, I wanted there to be no secrets between our relationship.

"Since when did you become so clever" I said to Mustafa

"Since the day you and Abu crashed my birthday party"

"Oh yeah, that was legendary I can't forget that" I said laughing. 

"It's not funny that was so emberassing" he said. I then chuckled and playfully pushed Mustafa, he then obviously playfully pushed me back, and then I did the same, so did he, so did I, so did he. Until I pushed him hard onto the chair and ran upstairs. I paced up the flight of stairs and saw Amira who just came out of the bedroom, I ran and stood behind her.

"Wow, so you hide behind the pregnant lady" Mustafa said

"Yep" I said laughing.

"What are you guys doing?" Amira asked

"His trying to push me" I said sounding like a school kid. Amira then turned to look at me and then quickly stood behind me and pushed me towards Mustafa.

"Get him" she said laughing standind back.

"Amira how could yo-" Before I could finish my sentence Mustafa grabbed me and put me into headlock. I then grabbed his leg and pulled so he fell onto the floor.

"Ow, haven't I been injured enough in one day" He said holding onto his back. 

"Yes, but you brought this upon yourself" I said helping him up.

"Whatever, I'm going out guys, need to meet some people" Mustafa said going downstairs slowly.

"See ya bro" I said. I then looked over at Amira and walked towards her.

"You okay?" I said tucking her hair behind ears. She then nodded as she put her arms behind my neck.

"I will be" She said "Just worried that when we sleep Maryam might end up breaking in" 

"Babe, that won't happen, I'm not gonna let that happen" I said "I'm going to protect you and Jahmaine Jr in there" 

"She's a girl" Amira said laughing.

"You know what I meant anyway, Im not going to let Maryam touch neither of you" I said. She then smiled and leaned in for a kiss and I kissed back.

"Do you remeber when we first got married, and when I'd kiss you, you'd stay still" I said 

"Oh yeah, I was super shy. You'd lean in and I'd feel like running away" She said laughing again revealing her beautiful smile.

"But now..." I said leaning in for another kiss. She kissed back and I could notice the difference from a couple of months ago until now.

"I ain't shy" she said finishing off the sentence.

We spent most of the day decorating the babys room, and planning my 26th birthday dinner. I can't believe I was turning 26. Abus 29, and I'm 26, we were grown men but sure never acted like one.

We confirmed inviting close family and going for a birthday dinner at a resturant, as long as there was food, nothing could go wrong. I loved Amira so much, there was no way I would let ANYONE ruin what we got. Especially someone from my stupid past. 
Soon I would tell Amira the truth, I wanted it to be out of the way finally. 


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