Meetings and Questions

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*Amiras POV*

Since the first meeting, me and Abubakar were able to talk to our parents and we finally convinced them to lower the amount of people in the meetings.

After 2 days of pleading they finally agreed.

Since then a lot had happend we had had 3 meetings so far, but I still didn't feel satisfied, I knew him, but not well enough to marry him, they were questions I wanted to ask him but I didn't have the guts to ask them to him personally. So here was my big plan. I'd use a piece of paper and write down a couple of questions I wanted to ask him. he'd then answer them by writing his answers next to the questions I asked. Then in return I'd answer the questions.

I sat in my bedroom with a piece of paper on the desk and a black pen.

I was thinking of what questions to ask him, they had to be relevant I already knew about where he works, how much money he gets and how he feels about me working as well.

I thought about the first question then wrote:

1. Lets say we get married, How would the living arrangnents be?

I then wrote another few questions:

2. How Do you feel about children?

3. How strong is your faith?

I decided to stick with those question, I obviously wanted to know about our living arrangments where we going to buy a house straight away or One of us moves in with one another. I wanted to know how he felt about children I loved my nieces Sharifa, Swafa and Sayana and I hopefully dreamed one day Inshallah I would have kids of my own. And last of all I wanted to know how strong he was in faith, from what I know he was a regular prayer but I wanted to see how strong his belief was. I also decided to ask him one more important t question, maybe it wasn't that important but I was curious

4. Will You ever marry more than one wife?

Yes I know it may seem stupid to ask but Allah has said it was fine for men to have up to have four wives, as a strong muslim If Jahmaine married me and wanted to marry again I would have to be fine with it as a believer. As long as he loved us all the same. But too be honest I preffered to not share a man.

"Abu!" I called "Abu come!" I wanted Abubakar to deliever the note to Jahmaine although we have a meeting next week I wanted these questions out of the way. There was a knock on the door.

"Come in" I ordered, Abu came in

"hey brother, come sit down" I told him

"whats up?" he said looking at me confused. I handed him the piece of paper.

"Whats this?" he asked

"Questions for Jahmaine, I want you to give them to him"

Abu started laughing

"Your seeing the guy next week, whats the point of this?" He said still laughing

"I still dont know him THAT well, and I dont want to ask him these questions in front of his face" I justified

"Yeah but you will get a direct answer that way"

"I know, but Im a patient girl I don't mind waiting"

"I'll take it to him tommorow, I'll be seeing him then, were going to play a one-on-one basketball match" Abu said.

"Oh, He plays basketball?" I asked

"Yeah, didn't you know he said it last week."

"Oh I must've been day-dreaming"

"how rude" Abu said as he pulled my hair

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