Saving My Marriage

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*Amiras POV*

I've lived In this new house with Jahmaine for over 3 days now and It was just different.

Normally I'd be talking to Hadija or Aunt Hibatu but no, I was in our bedroom reading a magazine about makeup&fashion while Jahmaine was at work. I just can't wait to graduate and get a job and start earning my own income. I get £500 every 2 weeks for studies and most of that money I send to my family back in egypt or Saudi. But Im actually very blessed to get that amount of money if you think of it.

I prayed and then put on a black bodycon dress and a F&M (Franklin&Marshall) jumper over It, I decided to straighten my hair as leaving It curly was too much hard work and less presure on my head.Most of my scars had healed, I just had a small limp, and a scar on my temple. At least that ugly purple bruise had gone.

I went downstairs and sat in this house alone. Maybe calling up someone would help, Like Laila, I was still on a mission to find her a husband, and although last time became too out of hand, I promised myself to hold in my anger and be sensible.

I really just felt bad for laila, because she had been looking for so long and when the right guy comes along, he ends up having an attraction to me instead, which caused for me to fall out with everyone in my family including my husband, and a car accident which was minor Allhamdilulah.

I pulled out my phone and dialled Lailas number, after a couple of rings, she finally picked up.

"Amira, asalam aleikum" She said

"Waleikum salam" I replied

"How are you?" she asked

"I'm okay Allhamdilulah, how about you?"

"Im very well thank you" she said

"Anyway, Do you think you can come over?, you'll be the first person to see my new house" I said

"Oooh" she said excitedly "I'll be over In the next hour" she said, we finished off our convo and as a good cousin, I let her hang up first.

"Hey Amira!" Laila said as she stepped Into the house.

"Hi" I said hugging her.

"This house is sweet, mashallah" she said looking around, she then found her way to the living room and sat down.

"So, are you pregnant?" she asked settling Into the chair.

"What!?, no!" I said holding my tummy. "What makes you think that?" I said feeling insecure.

"Well you've put on weight" she said observing my face.

"Oh thanks" I said sarcastically.

"So why did you want me here?" Laila asked

"I was bored" I said shrugging my shoulders

"Errr...hello" she said waving her hand "you have a husband you know" I then kept queit, Laila sighed out and held my hand.

"What's up with you and Jahmaine?" she asked

"nothing" I said in denial

"he told me" Laila said, I then looked at her confused.

"Told you what?"

"He told me how that you been a bit distant, and he thinks he was the cause of the accident"

"Yeah I heard him" I said "I may have been at a point of death but I could hear everything", Laila then looked down.

"The guy loves you so much" Laila said

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