Chapter 9: I got 99 problems

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Before you read I just want to take a bit of time to thank you guys for all the wonderful support and the comments you have been sending to me, I haven't had time to reply to them all but I assure you I have read them, Thank you so much like seriously, Its your reads and comments that just keep me going and I just want to say a special thanks to those people. I like get private messages from people saying how they love the book, and my writing so that means a lot, here's another chapter for you lot xxx

*Amiras POV*

Allhamdulilah, Mustafa was going to transfer his kidney to Mohammed next week Insallah, and all the stress had been taken off Abu, and Nifa which made me happy. Things have really started to get better.

I hadn't been round to see Jahmaine for a whole week now, I was too focused on my exams and Abu. I'd missed so many of his calls, and I kept promising myself I would call him but I just couldn't find the time to. Was it wrong?, Couldn't I have time to myself? Allah forgive me.

"You should go see Jahmaine" Abu said handing me a tea, we both were staying at our Mums house depending on her food and shelter like a bunch of kids.

"I will Inshallah" I replied

"You keep saying that, his missing you" Abu said

"Yes I know and I miss him too" I said. He then gave me a suspicious look.

"What?" I asked

"You have a tendancy of running away whenever bad things happen" Abu said "especially from those that love you" he added

"I'm not running away, I will go see Jahmaine when I know your okay" I semi-shouted.

"But look at me, I'm fine, my kids going to be getting a donor soon" he said smiling

"Yeah" I said

"Hopefully by june or july we can bring him home" he said

"Inshallah" I said

"To be honest I don't know if he'll survive" Abu said, there was then a pause.

"So your not even 100% sure?" I asked

"Not really, I've just been hearing what the doctors have been saying", he said

"Just pray he'll survive" I said going upstairs

I was just shocked Abu thought baby Mohammed wouldn't survive, and I must admit a little stressed, I went up to my room and read some Quran after reading I felt like this big weight had been lifted off my shoulder. The Quran had this kind of effect of me especially as I understood exactly what It was saying.

"Hey" Abu said coming in my bedroom,

"Hi" I said smiling "Sit down" I sat patting my bed, he then sat down.

"Are you gonna go see Jahmaine?" he asked

"Stop asking me that" I said chucking a pillow at him

"Amira, Its been a whole week his actually stressed out as well" he said taking the pillow of himself.

"I'm busy" I said

"With what?"

"Revising" I said

"Go revise at his house" he said

"This is my house as well." I said

"Go to your other house" he said

"Why don't you go to your other house?" I said

"because, I like it better here" Abu said

"So do I, therefore I will stay here and revise" I said pulling out my books, although I was really missing Jahmaine but I was too busy I tried making time for him, but other things filled It In. Why couldn't he come see me?

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