Comfort and Blessings

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*Jahmaines POV*

So since our Walima, Amira had been living with me and my family for 2 weeks, and everything was going well Allhamdulilah, Amira had an exam today and she was going to go to the graveyard with Ariana to visit Faruq tommorow.

We were also going on our honeymoon next week which was to  Hawaii. So Inshallah we had a lot of exciting things coming up.

I sat in my office with a client waiting for Amira to call.

"So, should I press charges?" Magaret asked, the lady I was working with.

"I really think you should, how does your little sister feel about your husband?" I asked

"She can't stand to be around him" I said,

"Okay well, I'll book an appointment with the alibi on the weekends and we'll talk more" I said

"Thank you so much, bye" She said walking away.

"Bye" I replied.

I sat in my office for another 10 minutes waiting for Amira's call. Until the phone finally rang.

"Asalam aleikum Amira" I greeted her

"Waleikum salam" she replied

"How'd It go?" I asked

"Well..." she said in a sad tone which slightly worried me "I passed" she said from across the phone. I literally jumped from my chair and cheered.

"Mashallah" I said "I knew you'd do It"

"Allhamdilulah, Im on my way home now" she said

"Okay I'll meet you there" I said grabbing my things from the desk.

*Amiras POV*

After the exam I got my results straight away, and Allhamdilulah, I passed. I called Jahmaine and told him the good news, I filled in a couple of forms and made my way home, I had quite a lot of thinks to look forward to, my graduation, and graduation party, my honeymoon and my birthday. Life was just amazing right now.

I got home quickly and changed into my light blue skinny jeans and white top. Aunt Hibatu was downstairs cooking, Hadija was in her bedroom, and I was just ironing the clothes in our bedroom like a good loyal wife should do.

"Knock Knock", Jahmaine said coming in. "Asalam aleikum" he said handing me flowers.

"awww waleikum salam" I said taking the flowers from him and putting them in a vase.

"How are you?" he asked taking his blazer off and un-doing his tie.

"Im good, how about you" I said sitting on the bed.

"Did you know I was meant to be an engineer, but ended up as a lawyer." he randomly said

"Why didn't you be an enginner?" I asked

"Due to problems" he said

"problems like what?"

"Oh long story, anyway, I seem to have this pain in my lower back, I don't suppose you could help" He said kissing me.

"I'll see what I can do" I said, he then took his shirt off revealing his toned body he lay on his tummy, and I got on top of him and started massaging his back.

"Ahhhh, that's the spot" he said as I carried on massaging.

"Im not even a massage therapist" I said

"I know, but you sure know how to give a good massage" He said

"I do?" I asked

"Yeah, you should further your career in this" he said

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