Chapter 16:It's A...?

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Amiras *POV*

I hated it when Jahmaine had to go work and left me home alone. I had nothing to do, plus Mustafa had to go to work as well although normally he'd be back by now. He was just so funny and entertaining.

I sat in the living room staring at my tummy. 3 and a half months preggers. I was already fed up with it, Ariana told me how It was going to get worse, and my mum told me It was the best feeling in the world. I agreed with both of them in a way.

But from my 3 month experience, I hated It. I just couldn't wait to have It here with me. But I had to thank Allah, some people couldn't even get pregnant.

I was so bored that day until I had the brightest idea, I couldn't give birth to a baby that had no things. Of course I had to buy it something, I fished out the laptop and went onto a few websites for baby stuff, I literally couldn't find anything until I came across a cute glass baby cot for $129.99, It was this website from a store based in Miami, I just knew I had to get It. Ordering stuff for my baby excited me, so I came across more stuff and had them ordered as well. There was a 10% sale of baby grows for newborns which I also ordered and some bottles and stuffed animals.

Now all I had to do was wait 5-6 working days, at least getting stuff for my baby made the house feel more lively.

Jahmaine finally came home from work, he sat next to me and rest his head on my shoulder.

"Asalam Aleikum" He said

"Waleikum Salam" I replied. "How was work?" I asked

"It was surprisingly good" he said

"Allhamdulilah, anyway look at the stuff I ordered for our baby" I said shoving the laptop towards him. He then sat up and scanned through the screen.

"Pink baby grows?, we don't know If It's a girl yet" he said

"I dunno, It feels like a girl" I said

he then scoffed and put the laptop back on my lap.

"I'm pretty sure It's a boy" He said getting up.

"Well" I said following him "Im pretty sure It's a girl"

"Amira we'll just have to wait and see for your next scan" he said.

"I guess we will" I said.

Later that day I prepared Iftaar for Jahmaine and Mustafa, and a home cooked meal for when they came back from masjid.

After I finished my Mahgrib prayer, I held onto my tummy and did dua for my kid and everyone else.

Jahmaine and Mustafa came back and we ate dinner until I recieved a text, It was about Lailas Nikkah which was very soon.

"So how is this Hannah girl?" I asked Mustafa.

"She's fine" Mustafa said

"You still wanna marry her?" Jahmaine asked.

"I dunno actually" Mustafa said.

I then rolled my eyes and gave Jahmaine a told-you-so look. I knew It wasn't gonna last. Mustafa?, and Marriage?, It was weird putting the two next to eachother.

"What's changed your mind?" I asked

"I just don't think I'm ready, too many chicks want me" He replied

"Your too full of yourself" I said collecting up the plates.

"Have you seen your husband sweetheart?, his too full of himself", I then looked over at Jahmaine who was looking at his reflection through a spoon.

"Jahmaine!" I shouted grabbing the spoon from him "you guys are ridiculous"

"But you love us really" he said kissing my hand

"oh get off" I said laughing while I went off to wash the dishes.

It was 10 o'clock but my eyelids were so heavy, me and Jahmaine lay in our beds but he wouldn't stop talking.We both had to wake up early for my hospital appointment.

"And then my Mum gave me a bunch of photo albums so I kept them in that box where It says 'fragile things only'" he said

"That's nice" I said so queitly.

"Imagine If we had twins that would be so cool, You know my Dads a Twin right?, his other brother lives in Morroco his called Abdullah, and his wife runs a jewellry shop down there" he said.

I'm pretty sure Jahmaine was going to talk for the whole night. It was beginning to drive me crazy, I just wanted to sleep.

"Jahmaine" I said turning around to face him "let's play this game to see who will fall asleep first" I said

"How will we know who won?" he asked

"that's the point" I said closing my eyes.

"Oh ok goodnight" he said

"Goodnight" I replied...At last.

We had to wake up early the next day for our 14 week scan. I just couldn't wait to see my baby, hopefully the doctor would tell us the gender so I could finally say "I told you so" to Jahmaine.

Jahmaine drove to the hospital and Mustafa also wanted to tag along, as soon as we reached the hospital we waited for a few minutes and were then finally called In.

"Hi, Im Amy" the nurse said, she was really pretty.

"And I'm Mustafa" Mustafa said gazing at her. She then smiled and looked away.

I lay down on the bed, and she put that cold gel on my tummy. It really didn't feel good. After scanning through my tummy I heard my babys heartbeat, It was so strong and loud. We all just stared at the screen smiling especially Jahmaine.

"Do you wanna know the gender?" the lady asked

"yes please" I said

A girl. I was right all along we were having a girl. Allhamdulilah I was so happy, we all were. I was going to have a daughter, so soon Inshallah.

Weeks pasts, and my tummy was getting bigger, I couldn't fit into a lot of clothes so I went maternity shopping with Ariana and was able to buy leggings and dresses and a few clothes for my baby girl.

Aisha was going of too Uni very soon, so I bought her a lot of Uni essentials.

In 18 years Inshallah I would be preparing my daughter for Uni. It was just great thinking of her being here, I just couldn't wait to cuddle her and tell her how much I love her.

Sorry It was such a short chapter, I'll update again very soon.

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