Advice from a wise one

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*Amira's POV*

I sat on my bed with Ariana and Aisha.

Aisha was my little sister she was 16 years old and about to do her GCSE's, we prayed for her everyday to get the high levels she deserved inshallah. She's so smart and great at everything she does, she's also a risk taker!

"I cant believe my older sisters getting married!" Aisha said

"No!" I exclaimed "I'm not getting married yet, I havent seen the guy yet"

"Exactly, Aisha you don't know anything stay out of it" Ariana said to Aisha.

"shut up Ariana your already married, why don't you let us unmarried ones have this conversation", I couldn't help but laugh, my sisters always argue, well banter and Ariana would always start the arguments.

"Guys stop, I wanted you guys up here for help" I protested

"I'll help you, I don't know what she's going to do" Ariana said pointing at Aisha.

"Stop!, Ariana, I want you both here, but umm I might need to talk to Ariana about something you don't need to hear", I said looking at Aisha. She gave us a confused face

"talk about what?, were sisters whatever you can say to Ariana you can say to me", Aisha said frowning.

"I know but I'd need to talk to my OLDER sister about something OLDER people need to talk about", I was hoping she'd get a hint but she seemed not to.

"bu-" Aisha protested

"Enough! Its final Aisha, If I ask you to leave the room you leave straight away with no remarks, do you understand?" I said

She slowly nodded her head frowning even more, she just sat back onto my bed rolling her eyes.

"Anyway" Ariana began

"yes" I said brightening up

"I remember when I had my first meeting with Faruq" Faruq was Arianas first love...he unfortunately passed away.

"yeah, what happend? What did you wear?" I asked

"well I dressed up in a dark blue dress and wore a white long sleeve under it, I wore this sparkly silver hijab as well" she said smiling while rembering her first love.

"Carry on" I said getting more intrigued, Aisha decided to stop sulking and sat forward awkwardly joining us, forming a kind of circle.

"So I was called to go in, and Faruq was sat on the sofa with a glass of water in his hands"

"Uh huh" I said with my chin resting on my hands.

"So I sat opposite him, mum and dad were talking to his parents and his big brother Ahmed, I just listened, then 45 minutes into the meeting I started talking to him, you know I asked general questions. But It was weird in front of mum and Dad so for the rest of the meetings I talked to him alone with Abubakar accompanying us."

(Abubakar was my Older brother)

"wow, So when did he ask for your hand in marriage?" Aisha asked

"well after 5 weeks having 2 meetings a week, I really got to know him, we spent ages talking and asking questions, 5 weeks later he asked for marriage and I said yes with no doubt" Ariana was smiling, She really loved him.

He sadly passed away in an unexpected plane crash which left Ariana as a widow. She was still happy to talk about him though, thats why I looked up to her so much.

Faruq was Sharifa and Swafa's Dad, so they were sadly left without a father. Ariana and Faruq were like Rose and Jack from titanic, but in a more halal way.

"Are you prepared to carry on, or do you want to stop?" I said

"No, I'll carry on, So I moved in with his family for the first a month of our marriage, then mashallah we bought our own house which we lived in for 8 months before I fell pregnant with Sharifa, 2 years later we moved house, and I fell pregnant again with Swafa" She said still smiling, I could feel my eyes water I looked over at Aisha who already had a tear dropping.

"Well you know the rest" Ariana said "but you see my sister, time flies so quick, keep hold of what you got and never let go of what you want, I was blesed with the 2 beautiful kids he left me with;and later on blessed with another hubby and another kid" Ariana was truly inspirational I leaped from my bed and gave her a massive hug.

"You were truly blesed indeed, Allhamdilulah sister" I said

"Anyway." Ariana said letting out a big sigh "now you have a clear image right?"

"yeah" I replied

I found it weird how she told me about Faruq instead of Ismail (Ismail her current husband) I guess your First love is always first.

"So what did you need to talk to Ariana about, that I can't know about?" Aisha asked

"Oh yeah what was it Amira?" Ariana said pushing Aishsa off the bed.

"oh well We'll talk later, Im going to pray then sleep Im tired" I said

"okay asalam aleiykum sis we'll talk tommorow inshallah" Ariana said kissing my cheek

"waleikum salam sis"

"Salam" Aisha said giving me a hug

"waleikum salam sis" I said.

I hoped off my bed did my Isha prayer, got changed for bed and slid inside.

"bismilah" I whispered and fell fast asleep. Still thinking about Jahmaine, I was just so curious to get to find out about him, this could be it!

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