Chapter 20: What Now?

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*Amiras POV*

I thank Jahmaine and his Dad so much for yesterday, the pain I experienced yesterday was horrible and terrifying. Luckily I got through it. It was 6:38AM In the morning, Jahmaines dad had just finished checking me up and confirmed I was fine, and so was the baby. I had no idea what these pains where yet.

"Amira are you okay?" Jahmaines dad asked.

"Yes allhamdulilah, Im feeling fine now" I said. Jahmaine came and sat next to me stroking my hair.

"Amira, I was actually so unbelievably scared" Jahmaine said.

"I know, I know so was I" I said sipping on a warm glass of water.

"You could have a tummy infection" Jahmaines dad said "You need special care, I suggest you go live with your mum until the baby is born" he added. I thought It would be a good idea to stay with my mum or Jahmaines mum. I missed staying at that house, me and Jahmaine have great memories there.

"Yeah, I think that's best" I said, I then looked up at Jahmaine who seemed to disagree.

"No. I mean, what would be the difference with you staying here and at your mums"

"Jahmaine, she'd have her mother there to look after her" Jahmaines dad said

"I can take care of her" Jahmaine said "Amira I can take care of you"

"I know you can Jahmaine, but I really think I need my mum, I haven't seen her for 5 months, I miss her, I need her" I said

"If not, your welcome to stay with us" Jahmaines dad said.

"We ain't going anywhere" Jahmaine said "Im pretty sure Im capable of looking after my family"

"The decision is Amira's, Im going to go now but there's a spare room whenever you feel like coming" Jahmaines dad said.

"She probably won't" Jahmaine said. After dad leaving Jahmaine wanted to have a discussion with me about this moving away thing. Apparently I seemed pretty convinced.

"You okay?" he asked sitting next to me.

"Yes" I replied budging up. I held onto my tummy slowly massaging it. "Jahmaine, I don't think I ever want to get pregnant again" I said

"Hey, don't say that" he said facing me.

"I'm being serious, I can't go through this pain again" I said

"I know Amira, but Inshallah you will get better. And this may not happen the next time your pregnant" Jahmaine said.

"Your right" I said "What am I saying"

"Forget about it. So, this whole living with mums thing?" Jahmaine asked

"Im not sure yet" I replied.

"Amira, I can take care of you right?" he said firmly.

"Yes, and I know, I just feel like I need to be with my mum" I said


"Jahmaine, think about what's best for me and our baby" I said. He then paused for a bit. "You can come along too right?"

"No someone needs to look after this house and we both know Mustafa will trash it" he said.

"Just think about the idea?" I said. I then kissed his cheek and went to go shower. After showering I saw Jahmaine putting on his tie getting ready for work.I brushed out my hair and through the mirror I could see Jahmaines reflection, he seemed to be struggling with his tie.

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