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Amiras *POV*

I got rushed to hospital yesterday as I'd experienced a bad tummy pain. I was on the verge of breaking down as I thought I was miscarriging and the thought of me losing my baby was terrifying.

Thank God the worse wasn't true, my baby was completely fine and so was I. I'd thought a lot, I thought of miscarriage, then I thought I was giving birth early, but I was only 21 weeks. My baby would of had a very very low chance of surviving.

Allhamdulilah everything was normal.

Today we went to Juma prayer as it was friday and It was nice seeing so many of the community there.

After we came back I went to the hospital for a check up, we then came back and surprisedly found Laila on our doorstep.

"Laila what are you doing here?" I asked letting her In.

"Yeah are you okay?" Jahmaine asked.

"I'm fine, I just thought I should come see how you were doing."

she said entering the house, I then entered, followed by Jahmaine.

"Hey sweet family" Mustafa said coming downstairs with completely no clothes on but a pair of boxers.

"Oh my Allah, Mustafa can you cover up!" I said closing my eyes.

"Mustafa go get dressed!"Jahmaine said.

"Sorry I've had a guest over" he said.

"What?, you brought someone into my house!" I exclaimed

"I could kill you" Jahmaine said chasing him up the stairs.

Me and Laila laughed as we walked to the living room and sat on the chairs.

"So how is marriage life?" I asked

"It's good I guess" she replied

"So have you two, you know, it" I said hoping she'd get the message.

"What?" she replied looking confused

"Have you and Raheem like, done it" I said

"Done what?"

"My goodness, have you consumed your marriage!" I said slightly louder.

"Amira your so loud, and yes we did on the first day"

"The first day!"

"Sssh stop being so loud" she complained.

"Sorry, It's just thats so quick" I said

"Oh yeah, so when did you consume yours?" she asked

"Laila this topic is so awkward can we change subject"

"No answer my question" she said

"Okay" I began "the second day" I said ever so queitly.

"Whats that I couldn't really hear"

"The second day" I said slightly louder.

"Whats that?" Laila said

"The second day Laila!" I shouted

"Oh I heard you the first time, I just wanted to make sure I didn't miss out any words. Words like im a hyprocrite!" Laila exclaimed

"Oh shut up" I said chucking the pillow at her.

"So hows pregnancy life?" she asked me.

"I feel heavy and fat, but I'm actually learning to love it." I replied

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