Difficulties Part 2

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*Amira's Pov*

"Aww how old is she now?" My auntie asked from Juma as she held Amani.

"She's nearly a month" I replied

"She's such a blessing" She said "Mashallah"

"Aww Allhamdulilah thank you" I said as I stared at Amani, she really was a blessing, I just don't understand why I haven't taken it in.

I'm pretty sure Jahmaines noticed by now how I haven't really been 'motherly' towards Baby Amani, I try to be but I just can't. I have no idea what I'm doing, and I'm a nurse? My auntie then handed her back over to me, I slowly took her in my arms as she moved around, Is she uncomfortable? Don't she like me? Am I even holding her properly?

"Sssh" I whispered as I put her in her in her car seat, she then started whimpering, oh no, please don't cry I repeated that in my head 100 times.

"Is she okay?" Aisha asked

"Yeah" I said as I got up "Can you keep an eye on her while I put on my shoes please"

"Yes sure" she replied. I then got up and slipped on my shoes, What is wrong with me? Why can't I look after my daughter properly without anyone helping. Im a mother I should be able to do this on my own, Allah help me.

We reached the car park but Jahmaine and Mustafa still had not come. We waited for another couple of minutes and Mustafa finally showed up with Jahmaine following behind him.

"Asalam aleikum" Jahmaine greeted.

"Waleikum salam" me and Aisha replied at the same time.

"Did you enjoy your first Juma prayer?" Jahmaine said to Amani, I then glared at them and felt slightly envious, look how happy he makes her.

"I'm going to have to love you and leave you, I have a university interview" Aisha said as she hugged me.

"Which university?" I asked

"Lindle Town" she said as she pulled me into a hug

"Oh my Allah, good luck lil sis" I said

"Thank you" She said as she bent down to say goodbye to Amani. "Aw look at your cute face, your favorite aunt has to go now" she said

"I'm not sure Ariana will agree with that" I said smiling

"Ariana doesn't agree with anything, See you later Jahmaine" Aisha said

"Salam" He said as he picked up Amani's car seat.

"Bye." Mustafa said. Aisha then turned around and smiled back. #Awkward.

"let's get going then" i said walking into the car, I sat at the back with Amani as she wrapped her tiny fragile hands around my pinkie finger, she had a really tight grip, bless her.

"Mustafa we still going to that place right?" jahmaine said as he stepped into the car.

"um...yeah" Mustafa said

"what place?" I asked

"it's some place...with like...a lot of..."Jahmaine started

"electronics!" Mustafa finished

"oh yeah, Electronics"jahmaine said

"what are you guys going now?" i asked

"yep, just me and Mustafa, I'll drop you and Amani home though" Jahmaine said

"wait" i began "just drop me at my mums"

They then both looked at each other

"we can't" Mustafa said

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