Chapter 17: Lailas Nikah

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Jahmaines *POV*

"After years of rejection and looking, Lailas is finally getting married!" Abu said aloud.

"That can't seriously be your speech bro" I said getting in the car.

"I think It's pretty good, what do you think Mohammed?" Mustsfa said turning to him. He then grinned.

"Haha!, even my baby agrees with me" Abu said.

Me, Mustafa, Abu and Baby Mohammed were on our way to Lailas Nikah. Amira had already gone early as she was Lailas bridemaid so she had to help Laila get ready.

Raheem was probably already there as well and now all that had to happen was for them to wait for guests to arrive.

We finally reached the house the Nikah was going to be, and all I could say was Wow! Lailas Grandmas house was incredible mashallah.

"This is where me, Amira, Ariana and Laila spent our days, at Grandmas house" Abu said taking Mohammed from the car.

"You guys must've had a great time, anyway how do I look?" I asked

"Beautiful" he said fixing my tie.

"Ew" I said after.

"You should be saying thank you" he said flicking my head

"Ow" I said flicking him back "oh Abu guess where Mustafa works?" I said beggining to laugh.

"No Jahmaine shut up" Mustafa said trying to keep me queit.

"Mothercare!" I blurted out

"Mothercare?" Abu repeated, I then nodded and we burst into laughter.

"Haha, laugh all you want Im still getting money" Mustsfa said defensively.

"Whatever, It's just someone like you working in mothercare?!" Abu said.

After joking about with Mustafa and winding him up, we made our way Into the house where a lot of guests where, I saw Raheem greeting some of them and I saw his dad and sister.

WHAT?!!?? His Sister!

Maryam!, not Maryam, when did she get back?, I couldn't let her see me.

"errm guys... I need to use the toilet, be right back" I said, I then rushed upstairs where I heard a lot of girlish giggles.

"I'm finally getting married!" I heard Laila say.Wow this eavesdropping thing was becoming a habit.

The door then opened and I quickly pretended to be texting on my phone.

"Asalam o Aleikum Jahmaine" Ariana said hugging me. "Long time no see"

"Waleikum salam and I know right" I said

"Why are you up here?" she asked

"Ummm...." I said trying to think of an excuse.

"Aww you came to see Amira didn't you?" she said "I'll get her for you, Amira!" she called out.

"what?" I heard Amira say

"Someones here for you" Ariana said. She then walked into the room and Amira walked out.

She looked absoloutely stunning, although she was just the maid of honour, she was still my bride.

"What do you want?" she asked

"Umm...Just wanted to know If your Okay" I said back.

"Aww, you came all this way for that" Amira said. No I actually came all this way to hid from Maryam, my childhood friend I ain't seen for years.

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