Bad Build Up

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*Amiras POV*

I can't believe It, I was graduating within days; meaning I would be a qualified nurse ALLHAMDILULAH!

My life was just amazing right now and I thanked Allah everyday.

I bought my graduation dress which was a Dark blue long tubed dress with a gold zip at the front. I got my graduation robe and hat ordered as well.

I just didn't want anything to go wrong...

I just didn't want anything to go wrong, However Me and Ariana were still on a mission to find Laila a husband therefore there was a meeting being held today with Najib, who also attended my University I didn't really know him well, i'd only seen him in my biology classes once or twice.
He was doing engineering, and he is 24 years old.

I thought he'd be perfect for Laila because they both had a lot in common.
My dad was gonna be Lailas waliy and I was also going to sit in on the meeting with with her mum and my mum.

Najib would be here any minute from now, we prepared a couple of nick nacks on the coffee table and drinks

"I'm so nervous" Laila said taking a seat next to me.

"I know how you feel, I was so nervous too" I said

"Dont worry Laila everything will be fine" My dad said sitting down

"Its easy for you to say baba" Laila said

"Its natural to be nervous darling" My mum said

"Exactly" Aunt Sumaya said

"Do I have to talk?" Laila asked

"Just Introduce yourself or something" I said

"So I'll be like, Hi Im Laila, Im Egyptian, Im 25 years old, I work as a teacher" she said

"Exactly" I replied

"Easy as pie" she said

A few minutes later

"H-Hi, I'm Laila from E-Egypt and Im..." Laila began nervously, oh the poor girl she was stuttering, Najib looked at her expectedly. I nudged her on the arm lightly.

"Im 25 and I am a teacher" she finished off, he then smiled at her and looked over at me, I stared back for a bit then turned my head to look at my Dad.

"Well tell us about you" Najibs dad said

"Im Najib, as you all know, Im 24 and Im in Uni doing Engineering" he said smiling slightly.

"Thats a lovely course" Aunt Sumaya said

"Thank you" Najib replied

"Ask him about things he likes to do?" I whispered to Laila

"Ummm....What things do you like to do?" Laila asked

"Well, I enjoy sport and fixing things, how about you?" he said, we all then looked at Laila.

"I like...umm...I-I like" Laila said struggling, I had to step In she was incredibly shy, I was as well but not this shy.

"Laila remember how much you like Snowboarding" I said; she then nodded.

"Thats cool" Najib said, we all talked for a bit more and Laila managed to pull out a few sentences luckily but so far the meeting was going well, I then went to the kitchen with Laila and our mums; while my Dad, Najibs dad and Najib talked in the living room.

"I actually hate myself right now" Laila said burrying her head in her hands.

"Why?" Aunt Sumaya asked

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