5th Day Locked

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*Amiras POV*

"And this is his graduation" Aunt Hibatu said, she was taking me through Jahmaines photo albums,It was only our 5th day of marriage, and His mum had already taken me through 10 photo albums of him throughout the past 2 days.That was until he walked in and she closed it straight away and chucked it on the table on top of the pile of other albums.

"What are you two looking so guilty about?" he asked giving me a suspicous look, 

"nothing", I said trying to act casual,

"Yeah we were just talking, Isn't that right Amira?" His mum asked, I nodded in agreement while he stared at us suspiciously.

"hmmm?, whats that photo album doing there?" he asked

"I dont even know love" Aunt Hibatu said

"neither do I" I said smiling 

"Anyway, I got dishes to do" Aunt Hibatu said getting up and going to the kitchen.

"Yeah I gotta get ready"

I then got up and went upstairs to put on my dress and headscarf, today I was going to visit my parents and Aisha. Abu was at home with Nifa so I'd have to visit him another time, and Ariana was somewhere with Ismail. I put on my long purple floral dress  black blazer, and black headdscarf, with a gold chain headpiece.

Thats when Jahamaine came in and said "You look nice"  which made my heart beat faster.

"Thanks" I replied fixing my headpiece

"I'll get the engine started" he said winking at me, and walked away.

I finished off applying my mascara, I put on my purple wedges, grabbed my clutch and went downstairs.

"Asalam Aleikum" I said to Aunt Hibatu, who was still washing the dishes

"Waleikum salam dear, see you in the evening."

I went out and stepped into the car.

"You ready?" Jahmaine asked

"Yep" I said

"How long you wanna stay there?" He asked

"I dont know 2 hours or 3, I'll probably spend most of my time revising"

"revising for what?"

"An exam, my second last one before I become a qualified nurse"

"Oh, Hopefully Inshallah you'll pass" he said, holding on to my hand.

"Jazakallah" I said queitly.

"A nurse yeah?" he said smiling.

"yeah, maybe doctor" I said

"You'll be an amazing nurse or doctor"

"Thats what everyone says, but what If I fail?" I said

 "from what I know Inshallah you'll be the best nurse or Doctor any hospital can have, just keep praying"

"I will" I said letting out a deep sigh

"I remeber when I was 19, I wanted to be an underwear model", Jahmaine said, I ended up laughing

"what" he said laughing "I'd be a very sexy model"

"Yes you really would" I said sarcastically.

He would actually be a very sexy model because his body was ripped and muscular, I mean I've had a sneak peak at it a few times, maybe a couple of times, ok A Lot!

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