Getting Prepared

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*Amiras POV*

I woke up remembering that I'm getting married next week. I announced it to all my friends on facebook and they wished me the best. Now I was 'Getting prepared'. Just to think in 2 weeks I'd be a married women. I'd be living with a hunk of a husband. And our beautiful family.

Today I was going to go dress shopping with Hadijja, Ariana and Laila. They were all going to be at my Nikah plus My Dad, Jahmaines Dad,Abu, Uncle Moses, My Uncle Dawud and My fiancè and other family members.

"Are you ready?" Hadijja asked

"Nearly I'm finishing off my makeup" I replied

"You're going to look so beautiful in that dress" Hadijja said

"Thank you sweet"

Ariana and Laila then came into my bedroom staring at me.

"Well come on, I got the engine running" Laila said.

I finished putting on my mascara and went out with them.

"So have you booked the hair stylist?" I asked Ariana while we walked to the car


"Have you booked the makeup artist?"

"The hair stylist is the makeup artist" said Ariana

"Oh, what about the car have you booked that as well"

"yes sister, I have everything in check"

"Okay Allhamdilulah", we got into Lailas car, as the bride I sat at the front, Hadija and Ariana sat at the back talking.

"you ready?" she asked me

I gave her a nod. I didn't have time to put my shoes on in the house, and I didn't want to walk with one shoe on. I put on these pink suede wedges my auntie got me for my 18th birthday, surprised they still fit me, thought my feet would of grew but no still a size 4.

It tooks us 10 minutes to drive to the mall, we got out and I fixed my clothes. I put on my Light green blazer and pulled my dark green silky dress down and adjusted white headscarf.

I walked into the boutique with excitment running through my veins. Im getting married!

"Asalam aleikum" I greeted the woman at the counter, Evà, she was a muslim women who owned this place and specalized in wedding dresses for women, the changing rooms were privatized and opaque so no one could see us.

"waleikum salam" Evà replied giving us all hugs. "How has everyone been?"

"really good Mashallah" I replied

"So how can I help?"

"Well Amira here is getting married" Ariana told her.

"Oh mashallah sister" she said giving me another hug "Well I have the perfect dress for you", She signalled for us to follow her and we all did to the clothes section. After a few minutes of faffing and playing around. Evà pulled out a dress, my jaw literally dropped. It was a beautiful long Gold layered dress with pretty silver designs on them. It was long sleeve of course. She then pulled out a matching thick veil but in a lighter shade of Gold. 

"It's beautiful" Hadija said

"I know right" Laila said

Evà handed it to me "It's perfect mashallah"

"Allhamdilulah; try it on" Evà said, pointing at the changing rooms. I went in there

"Wait right here girls." I said, they stood there looking at the other dresses. I went into the room and looked in the mirror.

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