Chapter 2: Baby Steps

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*Jahmaine's POV*

I woke up at 6 in the morning to pray subh, and then relaxed on my bed.

Today I was going to see my possible future wife, I wasn't really nervous, I was just curious I wanted to see how she looked, her eye colour, her height, the way she spoke, (If she was hot~)

I dont usually have a type, I havent actually been with a girl but I knew a lot about them because of my little sister Hadija and my Mum.

I was going to go to Amira's house with my Mum and Uncle Moses. My Dad was away on a buisness trip so he couldn't make it sadly, he still doesn't know about me POSSIBLY getting married, It's going to be a big surprise.

After thinking so much about today I ended up falling asleep.

"JAHMAINE!!!" I heard my mum scream in my ear, which woke me up quickly her voice was so loud.

"Mum! Whats wrong?!" I said worridly I thought something bad had happend.

"You my son, you are whats wrong"

ouch, that hurt.

"What did I do" I moaned slowly getting out of bed.

"You were meant to wake up an hour ago, right now we should be on our way to their house!" My mum said hitting me with a pillow.

I grabbed my phone from the desk and looked at the time, Holy ShiP it was 2:15PM, there expecting us in like 30 minutes. Oh no! what was she going to think of me turning up late for our first meeting. Im a lawyer for crying out loud, how can I be late!!?.

I quickly ran into the shower and spent about 7 minutes in there, I then got dressed quickly.

I wore black tracksuit bottoms a tight black t-shirt and these old jordans my Mum bought me for my 21st I quickly ate some of the food my mother prepared for me. I prayed Zuhr with Uncle Moses and we quickly made our way to the car.

*Amiras POV*

They should be here by now, had he changed his mind?, had he found someone else? someone better?

I sat in the Kitchen with Aisha and Abubakar, waiting for the doorbell to ring. I wanted to talk to Abubakar about having arranged meetings with just me, Jahmaine and him, only if we wanted to see eachother again Inshallah. I had to occupy myself somehow I took a spoon and used it as a mirror to straighten out my headscarf and fix my makeup I wore a moderate amount of makeup, I just highlighted parts of my face that I wanted to stand out like my nose, my chin and cheekbones with foundation. I wore some eyeliner mascara,pink blush and neatrual nude pink lipstick.

I also wore a Dark blue blazer, with a light blue long fluttery dress and a gold greek belt, Obviously I had to look nice, Its the first expression that counts.

"So..." Abubakar said "looks like someone got stood up", he said then burst into laugther

"ha-ha-ha shut up" I chucked the spoon at him which skid right past his head.

"he'll be here, he probably just overslept or something." Aisha said.

"Aisha you do know you dont get to come into the meeting right?" Abu pointed out (abu short for abubakar)

"what why?!?, So Unfair!" she exclamied

"Because Its strictly 21+ only" Abu said

"Well cant you make it 16+?" she pleaded.

"Aisha just leave it, you can come in at the end" I said settling down the stupid debate. She then shrugged her shoulders.

"How's Nifa anyway Abu?" I asked, Nifa (short for Hanifa) was Abubakars wife.

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