Chapter 23: How It Is

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Amiras *POV*

I was giving birth in the next 2 months, and right now I just wasn't ready. I had just come back from Raheems funeral and came back to an empty house. A week ago I found out Jahmaine was in a coma, Mustafa was still in a critical condition but stable. Abu was doing well, he was still weak though, but his body was responding. I just wanted them to wake up soon, all I could do everyday was pray they'd get better.

I was at Jahmaines hospital bed yesterday and I cried for a whole hour. Jahmaine was involved in the accident and explosion. Raheem was just involved in the explosion but...didn't make it. It had been bothering me for the past few days. All I could do was pray and hope they'd get better. No way I'd lose my faith in Allah, I'd only become closer with him and at peace. Allah is the one that keeps me going, the one I worship, the one I can always talk to. This is why Allah's amazing, incredible and almighty.

All I could do was pray...

I woke up early the next morning and got ready to go back to my mums place. I needed her right now. I was going to help Aisha with her college application, she was looking to study Photography, hopefully that would take my mind of things.

I put on my navy blue abaya and black headscarf. I grabbed my bag and keys and made my way to my mums.

As soon as I reached the house I went to the living room, my mum and dad were cuddled up on the sofa watching telly, It was pretty cute.

"Asalam aleikum" I said purposely sitting inbetween them.

"Waleikum salam, and thanks for that" My mum said.

"Amira sometimes you can be so childish" My dad said.

"Maybe it's the effect of having a child in my stomach" I said. They then both laughed.

"Amira have you been to hospital yet?" My dad asked

"Not really" I said. "Its just so upsetting"

"Amira don't be so ridiculous, your husband is in a coma"

"Thats why I don't want to be there" I said.

"Amira I think we should go tommorow, to go see your brother, husband and cousin in law" My dad said

"You can't force me to go there" I said sitting forward.

"Amira please-" My mum started

"No mum, dad, you don't understand. Whenever something goes wrong with me and Jahmaine one of us always get hurt. It's like our relationship is cursed. I don't want to go into the hospital looking at my husband who is practically dead" I said crying. My dad then pulled me onto his shoulders stroking my arm.

"Hey, it's okay Amira. You don't have to go if you don't want to" He said

"I just want it all to go away" I said holding back my tears "I hate feeling like this, I hate it"

"We understand Amira, we really do. But I just think it'll be good for you to go visit them, spend time with them, incase..."

"Incase what?" I asked "Incase they die?"

They then both looked at eachother.

"Amira there is a possibility that one, or two or all three of them won't make it" my mum said

"No mum don't say that. Please don't say that" I said

"Amira you have to consider it, things like this happen in life. I was so blessed to have survived the explosion" My dad said

I then just realised how Raheem and my Dad were both involved in the explosion and my Dad survived it. There's a massive possibility they'll survive. But everyone's body's different.

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