CHAPTER 10: {2 IN 1}

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chapter 10 we have come so far


Its been 4 months since we were married and I hadn't seen Jahmaine for 2 weeks because he was on a buisness trip with his Dad. I was actually missing him so much, I'd been round to his house twice to see his dad mum and sister, but nothing was the same without him. He's meant to come back today but I wasn't sure what time we'd be expecting him.

A lot had happend since the operation, I was graduating in a months time, my last exam was next week, and Mohammed had come as well. I sat in my living room with Laila and Ariana planning my graduation. Which was going to be amazing. Inshallah.

"And then we can book this hall" I said

"The total is £329!" Laila said

"Yes, I can afford that" I said

"Why dont you just get Jahmaine to pay for It, after all he is working" Ariana said

"Why should I?, when I can pay it for it myself" I said

"Ismail takes care of everything for me"Ariana said

"Well im independent, I dont want to load my problems onto Jahmaine" I said.

"While you two talk about your husbands, Im just sat her husbandless" Laila said

"Then find one!" Ariana said

"Shut up Ariana" I said turning to Laila "You will find one Inshallah" I said

"Everyones been saying that for the past 4 years" Laila said

"Well, its true, Inshallah you will find one but maybe not now" I said

"Im a 25 year old virgin!" Laila shouted

"Will you queitin down, my babies are in the next room" Ariana said, Laila then sighed.

"Dont worry I'll help you find one" I said

"So will I" Ariana said, well this was exciting, me and Ariana were on a mission to find Laila a suitable husband.

There was then a sudden knock on the door and Ariana went to answer it she then shouted Abus name and me and Laila ran to the door, Abu came in holding Mohammed in a car seat.

"Asalam aleikum" I said hugging him

"waleikum salam" He replied, we all went into the living room and adored Mohammed while he slept.

"He is so cute" Laila said

"Just like me" Abu said

"Aww, can I hold him?" Ariana asked, he then looked at her and then me and said.

"I kinda want Amira to hold him first" he said

"me, why?" I asked

"because, I just feel like you and him already have this bond, you gave birth to him and helped with the operation" Abu said taking him out slowly, he then handed him to me, as I held him I stared at his small precious body and kissed his cheek, Allah has blessed Abu and Nifa with this beautiful baby boy, I actually felt like crying.

"His beautiful, mashallah" I said

"Like me" Abu said

"Oh shut up, can I hold him now" Ariana said, I then slowly handed him over.

"I can't believe you have a baby" I said touching Abus shoulders.

"Yeah, I have a baby" Abu said kicking of his shoes and relaxing.

"I remember when I had Sharifa, people visited me everyday just to see her" Ariana said

"Oh yeah, I remember, I was like 14" I said

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