Her Evil Intentions

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Amira's *POV*

I begged my mum, my sister and all my aunties  NOT throw me a baby shower, but they insisted.

Yesterday I recieved an invitation to my own baby shower, how weird is that?

All I knew was that I had to arrive by 2 in the afternoon with my fat tummy, I hated being fat. But yet again I wasn't fat, I was pregnant. I put on a long white dress and white turban with a necklace, my mum said that I must dress in white for some strange reason. After doing my makeup I went downstairs where I found Abu, Jahmaine and Mustafa laughing, I had such a strong feeling they were either going to pull a prank on me or planning a prank.

"What's so funny?" I asked looking around me.

"Nothing" Abu said "Woah, your fat!" he then added.

"At least I have an excuse, unlike you" I said.

"Oooh burn" Mustafa said under his breath. I put on a pair of white flats and grabbed my handbag.

"Can we go please, I don't want to be late to my own baby shower" I said. Not that I knew I was having one until yesterday.

We got into the car and made our way to my mum and dads place. I saw Nifa and Aisha waiting outside.

"Why are you so late?" Aisha said hugging me, not that my tummy was in the way or nothing.

"Aisha, I only found out about this yesterday" I said "I begged you guys not to throw me one"

"But hey, we still did" she said

"Hey good lookin' " Mustafa said interrupting our convo.

Aisha then awkwardly looked at me then back at Mustafa.

"Hi" Aisha said

"I was actually looking at my reflection through the window" Mustafa said.

Aisha then scoffed and walked off and went into the house where Mustafa followed her in. It was so obvious she liked him.

"You ready to go?" Jahmaine said handing me my bag, I then nodded and went through the back of the garden where all the guests where, I greeted nearly all of them and sat down. The sheikh had done a couple of dua's for me, my baby and the family all-together. Now it was time for the ceremony I hated so much, the "present-giving"

I went into the living room and sat on the sofa while the ladies came one by one handing me presents and the men handed presents to Jahmaine, I thanked everyone for the amazing gifts they got me and the dua's.

To be honest I really didn't feel good, I had a backache and my tummy was hurting, I then went upstairs without anyone noticing me. I went into my old bedroom and sat on on the bed, I took of my scarf and rested my head on the pillow and tried my best to relax.

After a couple of minutes there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I shouted, I then looked up and saw Maryam enter, how nice to see her.

"Asalam Aleikum" she said hugging me and sitting opposite me on the bed.

"Waleikum salam" I said back "How are you?" I asked

"I'm good, how about you"

"I feel fat" I blurted out, she then laughed.

"Yeah but your pregnant" She said "Your obviously gonna be fat" she added. Well that was slightly mean.

"I know, but i'm physically fat I feel like I'm gonna be this way forever" I said

"You won't" Maryam said "After you have your baby the weight naturally goes by itself, but obivously you need to put some effort into it as well" she added, I then let out a heavy sigh and looked at my tummy.

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