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Decided to surprise you guys with another update because I love you guys :D

Your comments make me laugh so much :p

Hahaha :p

You guys gone luurve this chapter.

btw OMA, It means Oh My Allah. Amiras favourite phrase.

*Jahmaines POV*

Tommorow was Ramadan finally, I couldn't wait for It to start I took it as a chance to look back on the things I've done and Focus on being a better person.

Today we were going to have a Ramadan Party which would be held at Aunt Safinas place, Amira told me they'd have a party held every year a day before Ramadan started which seemed like fun. This time our families were going to mix, I would love to see how that goes.

"Which ones?" Amira asked holding two pairs of heels in front of me. One pair were white and the other were black.

"Ummm...the black ones" I said

"but I like the white ones" she said

"then wear the white ones" I replied.

"Good choice" she said clicking her teeth.

Wow girls.

"I'll wait for you In the car" I said going downstairs. Believe, how that I had to wait for her for 20 minutes, girls are just so complicated.

"Sorry I took so long, I was doing something"......

"Sorry I took so long, I was doing something" Amira said finally entering the car.

"At least your here" I said turning on the engine.

We finally got to the party Allhamdulilah and even Mustafa was there and he was normally late for everything.

Everyone was happy to see us and were still calling us the newly weds although we'd been married for nearly a year now.

"Im gonna go upstairs and find Laila and Ariana" Amira said walking away

"Okay well you know where to find me" I said

"Bro get over here" Abu said grabbing me and pulling me into the living room. I then pulled myself out of his tight grip.

"You wanna go yeah" I said lifting up my fists.

"Come on then show me what you got" Abu said

"They call me Musa Tyson, I'll bite of your ear" I said, Abu tben cracked up laughing and fell on the couch.

"Seriously again with these names" he said.

"They never get old" I said

Amiras *POV*

"And thats how he proposed" Laila said holding her ring.

"Awww, mashallah I'm so happy for you" I said hugging her

"So am I" Arianna said kissing her cheek.

Raheem and Laila were officially engaged.

We then talked for a bit until we were called to come down and eat, more people had arrived and a big buffet table had been set up, I couldn't wait to dig into it.

"Amira, long time no see" Aunt Hibatu said hugging me.

"how are you?" I asked hugging her back.

"Very well thank you, It's nice seeing you, you look so healthy Mashallah" she said

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