chapter 21: 26th

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Jahmaines *POV*

"Its my birthday, it's my birthday, I'ma spend my money" I sang to myself In the kitchen. I licked the seasoning of my hand, and did a little spin. I was excited it was my birthday. 26 at last. 10 years since I turned 16.

"Hey birthday boy!" I turned around and saw Mustafa with an envelope in his hand. Yep Mustafa is back.


I just reached Uncle MosesandMustafa house, I built up the courage to knock on his door. I stood there for a few minutes until he finally opened the door 

"Hey Bro, can I come In?" I asked he then nodded, I went into the living room and sat on the couch, wow his house seriously wasn't looking good.

"How long until it's done?" I asked

He then shrugged "a couple of months"

" Okay" I said. Come on Jahmaine, just apologise and ask him to come to live with us.

"What exactly do you want?" He asked

There was then a short pause.

"I came here to apologise and to ask for your forgiveness. I said things to you I should never have said, and I  realised what I did wrong I promise you nothing like that will ever happen again. Will you please forgive me?" I asked. He then looked at me for a bit and sat back in his chair pretending to think about it.

"Anything else that you want to say?" He asked

"What?" I asked confused "umm your awesome?"

"Not that" he said "let me start you off. Mustafa you sexy hulk will you please move back-"

"Oh In with me!" I interrupted "Will you please move back in with me?"

"I thought you'd never ask" he said getting up. He then walked to the next room and pulled out a suitcase that was already packed.

"Wowit's almost like you knew I was going to ask you" I said getting up, he then smirked "You did, didn't you" I said laughing.

Wow that was way easier than I thought.

Flashback over.

"Its that for me?" I asked him

"Nope" he said "It's actually for me" he said sitting on the counter.

"Oh so where's my present?" I asked

"You'll get your present Jahmaine, you will" he said. "What time does the party start again?" He asked looking at the newspaper since when did he start reading newspapers.

"It starts at 5:30 but we need to be there slightly more late"

"oh right, is Amira going to come here first, or are we going to meet her there?" Mustafa asked

"I actually don't know" I said. "Anyway it's 25 past, I need to eat and I need you to pick up my suit" I said chucking the car keys at Mustafa.

"No problem" he said

"Mustafa im trusting you to not crash my car" I said.

"I will try my best" He replied

An Hour later

"your tux" Mustafa said handind me my clothing.

"Thanks" I said taking it off him, I lay it on the bed and signalled for Mustafa to get out so I could get dressed.

After dressing up, I fixed up my hair and gave it a little trim. I had to look presentable on my birthday. It was 4:30 and I had a couple calls from people wishing me a happy birthday, I'm surprised Amira hasn't called me yet, I hoped she was not having any problems with her stomach.

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