Chapter 7: Born Before Our Honeymoon

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*Amiras POV*

Me and Jahmaine had been packing for our honeymoon for over an hour now, and we were going on tommorow. Hawaii here we come, this was going to be an amazing, life-changing adventure, I packed the last couple of essentials like:

Sun Lotion
maxi skirts/maxi dresses
books and obviously The Quran

"Where's my boxers?" Jahmaine said looking under the bed.

"How should I know?" I asked

"Well last night..." He said snickering.

"Shut up" I said laughing and chucking a pillow at him which he caught and threw back.

"Check on the heater" I said.

I began zipping the suitcase which was hard work. I finally got it to shut and lay on the floor breathlessly.

"You call that hard work" Jahmaine said lifting a dumbell, flexing his muscles.

"Stop bragging" I said. He came and lay on top of me doing push ups kissing me everytime he came down.

"Get off" I laughed pushing him off and attempting to do push ups on him but I failed. I got up restlessly and sat on the bed flicking through my laptop.

"Well everythings packed Allhamdilulah" I said, checking my email.

"Yeah, all we gotta do is say our goodbyes" Jahmaine said

"Oh I forgot, we should go see Nifa and Abu, ever since they moved house I haven't seen them" I said

"Abu moved?, when was that?" Jahmaine asked

"Like 5 days ago, I could've sworn I told you."

"Oh I musn't have been paying attention" Jahmaine said.

"thanks" I said sarcastically, "anyway lets go see them"

"now?" he asked

"Yes now, we gotta sleep early remember we have a plane to catch" I said getting up "I gotta change my oufit as well" I put on my black wedges and black knee-length dress I bought last winter for my hiking course. I then switched my leggings for my white jeans and a nice white headscarf.

"A 3-week break from work, stress and family and spending it with you would do me so good" Jahmaine said relaxing on the bed.

"I know, I can't wait to see the hotel" I said

"It's amazing, Ahmed sent me a picture of it"

"Can I see?" I asked

"No It's a surprise" Jahmaine said, 

"Whatever, can we go now?" I said grabbing my bag, I walked downstairs and to the car with Jahmaine.

"Can we pass by mothercare?" I asked him as he started up the engine.

"Mothercare? Why?" he asked

"Ummm let me see?, my brothers having a baby" I said sarcastically.

"Ohhhh, do you know if It's a boy or girl?" Jahmaine asked

"No, but Im guessing It'll be a girl" I said

"Nope, probably a boy" Jahmaine said.

"Well Allah knows best" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"True True" he agreed.

"But Girl, cough cough"

It took us 13 minutes to get to mothercare, as soon as we reached there I wandered of into the Girl section and Jahmaine went off into the boys, after looking and looking I couldn't find anything suitable so I just went to the Unisex section where I met Jahmaine.

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