Bachelorrate and Bucks night {Part 2}

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*Jahmaines POV*

"Im getting married tommorow!" I said putting on my shirt.

My dad entered my bedroom and gave me a hug. He came back from his doctors trip last week, but he still hasn't met Amira or talked to her, hopefully he would Tommorow.

"Im here to give you my blessing son" my dad said giving me a manly peck on my forehead.

"I haven't met the girl yet, but if you have decided to marry her then she must be amazing. I wish you both the best and may Allah bless you both in your marriage."

"Allhamdilulah Dad, and trust me when you meet her your going to love her"

"I sure will" he said "well everythings organised, are you ready to have a good time"

"Hell Yeah!" I shouted

He held on to my shoulder and I went downstairs.

Around 30 people were already here, Abu sat down already talking to a few of my cousins, and My dad went to go talk to Hajj.

"Well here's the groom!" Abu shouted, he came and slapped the back of my neck on a sly.

"I'll get you back for that" I said through my teeth smiling at everyone

"Asalam aleikum everyone, thank you for coming" I said

there was a short chorus of waleikum salams.

All the elder men went to one side of the room talking and the younger side were on the other side snacking and playing X-box

"Okay who's up next?" I said, we were playing NBA, I was playing one on one with my cousin Mustafa, I was going to play Abu last, seeing as he really thought he was going to beat me.

"Come on Mustafa, tackle him" Abu shouted

"Im trying" he panicked

"Im sorry Im just too good, round here the call me Khalid Bryant" I said

"pass the controller" Abu said, Mustafa passed the controller to him and the atmosphere got tense, everyone was huddled round the Tv while me and Abu went one-on-one.

At the end of the game, the scores where 72-64 to me, luckily I scored a whole lot of 3 pointers. It was time to pray Duhr, we prayed and then ate a meal my Dad had prepared for us. We sat on the table talking for 20 minutes and then more guest had arrived,

meanwhile Abu was speaking on the phone,I think he was speaking to Amira.

"Yes his here!" He said, Im guessing they were talking about me

"Jahmaine come over here!," Abu called, I walked over excitedly.

"here she is" she said handing the phone to me. "your wife to be" he whispered

"hey" I said happily

"Darling have you ironed your suit", I looked back at Abu who was cracking up, his eyes were filled with tears of laughter.

"Yes mum" I said letting out a heavy dissapointed sigh.

"okay, and did you get the flowers I sent?"

"Yes mum" I looked at Abu who was laughing every time i said 'yes mum', knowing I wasn't talking to Amira.

"Okay darling, I'll see you soon" she said

"wait" I said

"What is it?"

"How is she?"

"Allhamdilulah she's good", I just smiled

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