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Hey guys, sorry this ain't what you think it is I just wanted to say Hey i guessGood Newss I've been working on a part 2 for 'Muslims love journey' and this part will basically go over the last 4-5 chapters of MLJ in greater depth and it's basically continuing on and answering all the questions "why did amiras dad die, how did he die?, what's happening with Ariana and Ismail. Where's leila? They may be a little twist and a bit of a mystery in Part 2 which links to the main events that happened in Part 1.
Looking forward to it!

And also my friend was really influenced by me and my story writing so she decided to have a go at it too, she's just published her first chapter of a new book she wrote please support her the same way you did for me and check it out.
@ladyamm and her book is called "That's not me" I don't really think it's a Muslim romance based book. But hey, hey give it a try.


Hearing about what's been goingon with Syria, paris, nigeria..etc is so sad. One thing I want to say is that as human beings, Gods creations we need to help one another, and I really admire how the world has been supporting Paris (the flags everywhere) what I don't like is how Muslims are being made out as these extremist when really the actual terrorist just need a Religion to hide under. Islam means "submission," deriving from a root word that means "peace." Not "Terrorism". May Allah protect us and everyone who's at danger. Peace is what's needed not war.

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