chapter 24: Getting there

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*Amiras POV*

Throughout these past few weeks I'd been visiting the hospital more frequently. Praise be to Allah, yesterday we'd received the best news ever. Abu has woken up, his leg is broken and will probably be in a cast for the next few weeks, but I'm just so happy my brother had woken up.

Today, me, Ariana, and my dad were going to go visit him.  My mum and Aisha went to go check out universities and promised to come later.

"How's my niece doing?" Ariana asked stroking my tummy

"Guess she's fine, I haven't had any complications or anything" I said

"Mashallah, that's what I love to hear" she said hugging me. I then smiled and walked with her to the car, we sat inside and waited for my dad to come.

"Can I ask you something?" Ariana said

"What?" I replied

"How did you and Jahmaine fall in love so quickly" she said, I then chuckled

"I don't know, we're just two very easy people, we don't complicate things." I said

"You found the perfect person" she said "I can't find anyone better for you"

"Neither can I. There's like nothing that will ever make me want to leave him"

I said

"Your lucky, I can literally feel me and Ismail separating slowly" she said

"Why do you say that?" I asked

"I don't know, I just get so angry at him quickly. Your a forgiving person."

"Yeah I like to be" I said

"Don't you find it weird that if Maryam never left to go Egypt. She still would of have been with Jahmaine" she said. I then kept queit and thought for a while. That is somehow very true. "Oh look dads here" Ariana said.

Ariana was right. If Maryam never left, Jahmaine would be with her. Ahh why did Ariana have to say that. That convo with Ariana was in my head throughout the whole ride, I couldn't stop thinking about it. I had to stop.

We finally reached the hospital and went straight to Abu's ward. We took the elevators and walked straight ahead until we saw Abu lay on the bed with Mohammed and Nifa right near him, they all looked so cute.

"Abu!" I said running up to him, I have him a hug and kisses his forehead. "Alhamdilulah, it's so nice to see you awake" I said

"I'm glad I survived" he said "Praise be to Allah, how's the rest of them?"

I then looked over at my dad and Ariana.

"Jahmaines in a coma" I said "And Mustafa still in a critical condition"

"O no, what about the other one?" He asked.

I the  looked at my dad and Ariana again.

"Umm...He didn't make it Abu" I said

"WHAT?!" Abu shouted "Oh my goodness, this just shows how lucky I was to have survived"

"Exactly" My dad said

"I can't believe his dead" Abu said

"Neither can I" Nifa said "How did he die?"

"Internal bleeding I think" I said

"It was a sad death" Ariana said sitting on the bed "were just so lucky to have you alive"

"Exactly" My dad said sitting on the bed with us "we need to pray for Jahmaine and Mustafa, they were both involved in the accident and explosion"

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