Finally Accepting

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Jahmaines *POV*

Mustafa. You big idiot.

Why did Amira leave and why did Mustafa convince her to go. It breaks my heart to know my wife is willing to let me miss out a part of my baby's life. I know the baby is in her stomach but I have as much custody as she does. What am I saying, it's not like we're broken up.

"I'm sorry" Mustafa said. "You'll soon realise she did the right thing."

"Get out of my sight, before I punch you in your face"

"Oh come on Jahmaine" he said "Don't say that"

"Why are you still living here anyway, your 19, not even in university, living of other people" I said spitefully.

"Don't be like that, your gonna realise how Amira will do better at her mum's" He said

"I'm her husband, not you. I can help make decisions for her"

"Jahmaine I kn-"

"You've always had your eyes on her haven't you, do anything to get her away from me your as evil as Maryam!" I shouted. Mustafa then opened his mouth to speak but stopped and walked of looking slightly upset.

What I said was wrong, I shouldn't have said that, I'm just upset. I feel like Amira doesn't need me anymore, and I know that once she gives birth to our baby, I won't exist anymore.  Wow I'm jealous of an unborn baby.

I went into the shower and changed into my pajama bottoms and white shirt

I looked down at my phone and saw 2 missed calls from Amira, I didn't know whether I should call back or leave her.

I decided to call anyway, the phone rang a couple of times, just I was about to pick up Amira answered.


"Hi" I said quietly

"Jahmaine are you angry with me?"

"A little bit, I told you not to go, I said I'll look after you"

"I know baby, but I need this"

"And I need you" I said. She then sighed.

"Come back" I said

"No I cant"

"Amira, rightnow I want nothing but to be by your side, please come back."

"Jahmaine I want you by my side too, but I need my mum and dad too"

"I'm your husband though"

"Jahmaine please try and understand" I said "please" she begged...

A couple weeks had passed and a lot had happened,  I got used to the fact Amira was at her parents, I started visiting more frequently and attended check ups with her. Me and Mustafa still weren't talking, I don't think we ever were.

Meanwhile I was at Amiras parents with Amira, there was a big family diner going on and guess who was here? Abu!

"And I told her that I'm married" Abu said finishing of his story.

"I find that so hard to believe" Amira said

"Same here" Hajj said

"It's true, this women kept staring at me like I was the most handsome guy ever. Yet again I am." Abu said looking at Nifa.

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