Chapter 8: The Honeymoon: {Part 1}

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*Jahmaines POV*

Today was going to be the best day ever, we were finally going on our honeymoon to Hawaii, I couldn't wait to show Amira the hotel I booked she was going to love It and obviously love me even more.

Since the birth of Abu and Nifas baby we haven't heard any news updates, but we prayed the baby was ok, all I knew is that the baby was in hospital being treated well.

"Ok here's the last suitcase" Amira said handing it over to me, I put it in the back of Taxi and shut it.

"Hawaii, here we come" I said opening the door for Amira, she entered and then I followed behind.

"Im so tired" Amira exclaimed

"Well It is 6 in the morning, we can have a little nap until we reach the airport" I told her

"But what If Abu calls me?"

"Then you'll call him back", I replied, she chuckled and rested her head on my shoulder.

"Do you ever want kids?" She asked me randomly.

"Yeah Inshallah" I replied

"How many?" she asked

"How many do you want?" I asked her

"I asked you first" she said

"I asked you second"

"Ok let's just both say It at the same time, 3...2...1"



(Not telling you who said what yet)

We were both shocked by eachothers answers.

"Oh wow" she said looking up at me.

"We have very different view points then" I said

"Yep" she said popping the 'p'

We took a short nap and finally reached the airport, and I must say It was very busy, I payed the taxi-man and he helped us take out our luggage.

"Have a good holiday" he said in a New York accent.

"Jazakallah" I replied, he then gave me a weird look and Amira laughed.

We then went to check in,and went past security, thank Allah they didn't take anything from us, we now sat In the waiting room, waiting for our Airplane to arrive.

"Im so excited" Amira said smiling

"So am I, I've never been to Hawaii before and I do a lot of buisness trips with my Dad" I said

"Well, what would you do in Hawaii?" she asked trying to be clever.

"Explore It, learn about their culture and tradition, their beliefs, their food, any festivals?" I replied

outsmarting her.

"Oh good answer" she said "When we get there what are we going to do?" she asked

"Dive right into our pool" I said

"Theres gonna be a pool?!?" She said in excitment, Oh no I gave It away the hotel was meant to be a complete secret, at least she didn't know about the Spa and free buffet.

"Maybe" I said, she then looked at me suspicously.

"Do you know that conversation we had in the cab?" Amira asked

"yeah?" I replied.

"Why do you want that amount of kids?" she asked holding my arm

"because, I think It'll make our bond stronger" I replied

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