chapter 26: Home At Last

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*Jahmaines POV*

So I finally got discharged from the hospital after days of being checked up and physio activites, and today Amira was going to come pick me up with Mustafa and our 5 day old daughter. I packed up all my things and checked out at the reception, I then made my way to the hospital exit and saw Amira stood in the car park with our baby in her arms, I then smiled and ran towards her. She looked so beautiful.

"Asalam aleikum" I said

"Waleikum salam" she said. I then slowly kissed her and looked at Amani who was asleep in Amiras arms.

"She wasn't sleeping before" Amira said looking down at her, I then laughed.

"It doesn't matter" I said.

"Hey Bro" Mustafa said as he came out the car and ran towards me and surprisingly gave me a hug. I will remind of this day if he ever tries to get rude to me.
"Remember when you hugged me?" Haha his reaction would be funny

"Hey you hugged me?" I said

"Did I?" He said in a denial-like tone.

"Yes and im a witness" Amira said.
We all then climbed into the car, I sat at the back with Amani and Amira and Mustafa drove us. I couldn't stop staring at Amani she was just so beautiful.

"I'm so glad everything's back to normal" Amira said smiling, I then looked at her and smiled back.

"Me too" I said

"Me three" Mustafa joined it. "Wouldn't it be so funny If Amani was like was me four in her tiny little baby voice"

"She isn't even a week old, she can hardly move her head" I said

"Yeah but just imagine" he said. Me and Amira then looked at eachother and laughed.

"I've started my weight loss regime" Amira said

"Don't you think it's too early for that" I said

"It's never too early for anything" she said "I just need to get my figure back"

"Yes but why don't you just focus on caring for Amani"

"Im caring for her, while caring for myself" she said

"Okay but obviously make sure she's your first priority" I said

"Jahmaine have you lost your mind, why wouldn't my baby be my first priority I simply just said I'm starting my weight loss so I can feel confident again" she said looking slightly angry.

"Guys, are you seriously going to start arguing" Mustafa said

"I'm sorry" I said, she then ignored me as she looked out the window pretending to enjoy the view of cars speeding by.

We finally reached home, our home as Mustafa parked the car in the driveway Amira climbed out of the car and went inside leaving me with Amani and Mustafa. Well she's angry, and it must be for another reason. Maryam?

"Mustafa help me with the baby please" I said

"Yeah sure" Mustafa said coming out of the car he then opened the door and helped me out and then carried Amani out and put her in my arms. I looked down at her and kissed her cheek.

"Come on then" Mustafa said walking towards the house. I then followed him in and made my way upstairs, Amira was sat on the bed watching TV.

"Amira?" I called

"Does she need feeding" she said not even looking at us.

"Yeah I think so" I said

"The bottles are downstairs by the way, but the formulas here" she said

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