Chapter 27: Camping Conclusion

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*Amiras POV*

Everyone woke up kind of airing each other we'd just finished brushing our teeth and eating together but no one said a word to each other.
Jahmaine was still upset, Abu looked guilty and upset, and Ismail looked really down, Oh no, I forgot to give him the sleeping pills.

"Hey Ismail" I said as I sat down near him.

"Hey" he said putting on his shoes.

"I'm sorry i forgot to give you the pills" I said

"It's fine I slept like a baby anyway" he said


"No" he said laughing

"Damn, I'll give them to you today" I said

"Yeah thanks for that" he said doing up his shoelace.

We wasn't sure how long we were staying out here for, mum and dad didn't really say when they'd be coming so we were just expecting them to randomly show up. I was hoping they'd come today I'm not sure If am made for the woods. Plus I miss my baby.

"So what's the motive today?" Abu said

Everyone just stared at him.

"Guys, come on I'm really trying" He said again. I then looked over at Jahmaine who tried avoiding my eye.

"Don't you think we should all talk" Nifa said

"Yes" I said straightaway "Ariana, Ismail?" I called

"I'll start" Jahmaine said out of the blue. Everyone's attention then turned to him. "Im sorry for getting angry first of all, forgive me. I just want everyone to be happy"

"And I agree, Im going with him and I don't want you guys to hate me for it" I said

"Amira were far from hating you" Abu said "We don't want you to go because we love you so much"

"It's true, It's always been us three, and you going just seems weird" Ariana said

"Yeah but it'll be weird for us too. My mum was torn when she found out because us two are close, but life moves on right?" Jahmaine said

"Totally" Abu said "Im sorry, Amira, Jahmaine it'll be hard to let you go, but hey, life moves on" Abu said

"Im so sorry too" Ariana said

"Aww this is cute" Ismail said

"To life!" Nifa said

"To life" Jahmaine then said

"TO LIFE" We all said in Unison.

Now we're all "friends" again, where is mum and dad?

Abu suggested that we play truth or dare, we all sat in a circle around the fire. I sat opposite Jahmaine because he knows When I'm lying so he wanted to get a good view.

"Ariana, I have a dare for you" Nifa said

"No, I hate dares" Ariana said putting her head in her hands.

"We all have to do it" Jahmaine said

"Okay fine" Ariana said.

"I dare you too...." Nifa began until Abu started whispering in her ear, she then looked at him and they both started laughing.

"I dare you too sing twinkle little star as loud as you can" Nifa said.
Me Abu and Ariana burst out laughing. When we were younger Ariana offered to sing 'Twinkle' for our parents anniversary, and she got her lyrics completely wrong.

"Okay" she said standing up. We all then braced ourselfs.

"TWINKLE WINKLE LITTLE STAR, HOW I WONDER HOW YOU ARE..." She began,we all then cracked up. She stopped for a bit and shruged her shoulders and carried on.

"I DONT CARE WHATEVER THE HELL IS IN THE SKY, JUST KNOW IM ARIANA AND IM SINGING A LULABY" she finished off, aww bless she forgot the lyrics but tried covering it up.

"That was good" Ismail said as she sat back down.

"Sike" Abu said under his breathe, him and Jahmaine started sniggering.

"Okay! Jahmaine, truth or dare" Ariana said

"Truth" he said

"Ohh C'mon you wuss" Abu said

"Shut up" I said to Abu

"On a scale of 1-10, how nervous were you on your wedding day" Ariana asked. He then looked at me.

"100, I was just about to marry the most amazing woman I've ever seen" he said

"Awww" all the girls said...and Abu?

I then hid my smile by looking in a different direction. That was cute.

"Let's get it, Ismail truth or dare" Jahmaine said


"Oh Jahmaine please let me do this one" Abu said

"Take it away" Jahmaine said

"I've been dying to ask this. So Ismail, which sister did you like first?"

I nearly spat out my imaginary drink. How can he ask that. The spotlight was on Ismail.

"Obviously Ariana" He said

"Why are you lying?" Abu said

"Dish the dirt" Ariana said

"Yeah" I said

"Okay, I can't lie Amira caught my eye at one moment, but Ariana definitely Stole my heart" he said

"She caught your eye huh?" Jahmaine asked

"Yes for like a micro second" he said

"He told me how the rings gonna be on Amiras finger" Abu said

"You said that!" Ariana said to him

"Hey, Abu why the hell you lying for?" Ismail said

"Ismail try telling me you never said that when you came to my house the first time" Abu said

"This is weird" I said

"No am enjoying this" Ariana said

"So am I" Jahmaine said

"Okay I may have said that but I didn't know how young Amira was-I meant it's only because I saw her first"

"Hold up so if she was your older?"
Ariana asked

"No, guys let's do someone else" Ismail said

"No how about we talk..." We all knew Ariana was gonna ramble on for another thirty minutes. So i took Jahmaines hand and we walked off without anyone noticing.

"Babe do you see that?" Jahmaine said looking out in the distance, there was a bright red light, it was foggy so It was hard to see. As the light came closer I realised that it was a mums car! YAAAY, We're being rescued!

"It's my parents" I said

"Get in" Jahmaine said.

We ran towards the car as soon as it stopped we stopped and knocked on the windows.

"Mummy, Daddy?" I Called. The window then slowly unrolled. Oh my god, my mum looked a mess. She had the biggest bags around her eyes. What the hell happened.

"Let's go" she said quietly

"Mum where's papa?" I asked

"Darling please let's go"


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