Chapter 1: Quick arrangments

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Hi, my is names is Amira, I'm Middle Eastern
I was born in Sharjah and spent the first 4 years of my life there, all that came to an end when I had to move to the United kingdom as my parents wanted me to have 'the best chance at life'.
Now I am a 21 year old proud independent muslim girl completing her last year at Cambridge University. Perfect child right? Wrong! I'm not so perfect, well to me at least, but what does that matter. As long as I'm perfect in my parents eyes, I'm fine.
Im also preparing for marriage! Before I graduate I hope to be a married women Inshallah,I've dreamt of this day ever since I was 12 and I just feel it getting closer, I haven't got a type as long as the guy had a good heart, and a clear mind they'd be perfect. But the time for me to get married has finally come...

I just need to find someone to marry first. Someone that will love me for me unconditionally, someone that's easy to love and most importantly, someone who puts God at the centre.

6 years ago I was walking home from school and had a very bad accident, I was hit by a car and had a memory loss, I suffered for 8 months, but thanks to Allah I got better. Since that day I vowed to never take of my headscarf and live the rest of my life as a devoted Muslim. The doctors and nurses took very good care of me and definitely played a big part on my decision to become a nurse.

"Amira!" That was definitely my sister calling me Ariana, I recognised her loud but pitchy voice, she came home to visit after 3 weeks of pure ghosting. She was 26 and already married to her husband who was now her second as her first unfortunately passed away, with 3 kids, Sharifa the oldest who's 7, Swafa the second oldest who's 5, and Sayana the youngest who was 3. Yep all girls. We liked to call them the dream team.

"Yes!" I shouted back whilst rolling my eyes. I've been longing for peace and quiet for so long now, but my older sister just had to come at this moment didn't she?

"Aren't you going to come keep me company! I've been here since 2!" she shouted,I then  slowly  got up from my bedroom and went downstairs.

I found Ariana sat on the couch opposite my mum. Yep, they were definitely going to talk about marriage. The marriage talk was about to begin, but let me not even lie, I was excited for it.

"Asalam aleikum sister" I said while giving her a hug "how are you?" I asked her

"Im fine Allhamdulilah. you?"

"Im good" I replied

I then sat near Ariana and looked over at my mum who had that look on her face. As long as it was about marriage I didn't mind. If you ain't talking marriage then I don't want to talk.

"What is it Mum?" I asked


I looked around for a while until my mum finally let out a deep breathe and made an announcement.

"Well my dear" she began "You see how you've been looking?"

"for?" I said

"a husband!" My mum said abruptly

"oh" I replied. "Well I wouldn't say actively looki-

"Well my old school friend has a son, his 24, from Morroco and Saudi Arabia" My mum interrupted

I can't believe she'd found someone already. Her work rate was super quick. I only announced Im ready to get married a couple of months ago.

"What?!?" I shouted

"Keep your voice down." ariana said "you should be very happy, soon we'll both be married"

"exactly" my Mum agreed.

"How does he even look?" I asked " I mean I thought I'd have more of a say in this"

"Well you'll see for yourself this Saturday" My mum said

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