Chapter 14: Good Build Up

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*Jahmaines POV*

In 3 months, we would be celebrating our 1 year anniversary, time flies so quick, to be honest it still felt like I had just got married,we were crazy in love.

Amira had also found a job as a part time nurse in St Thomas hospital, so she would only work on Thursdays and Fridays, but Allhamdulilah she got a good job with a moderate pay.

Although It was pretty pointless her getting a job seeing as she had been pushing me to go through with the transfer which was ironic to be honest.

"One thing I don't understand is why your so cute" Abu said holding Mohammed on his lap.

"Thanks bro" I said smiling at him.

I found it surprising how he and Mohammed had been spending most of their days at me and Amiras house. I then stared at Abu and thought how It would break him If me and Amira were to leave.

"Because I was really talking about you" he said sarcastically. I then chuckled at my clever humour.

"I think Mohhamed gets his look from me" Amira said. "Thats why his so cute"

"No, he gets them from me, look he has dimples like me" Abu said smiling into the air. Flipping weirdo.

"So do I, you idiot, his got the same hair colour as me though" Amira said

"Lets just say he gets his looks from Nifa" I said

"Bro, you know he gets It from me" Abu said

"No he doesn't, his too cute to get his looks from you" Amira said

"Amira, Its impossible for someone to be better looking than me" Abu said

There was then a 2 second pause and they looked at me.

"I think It Is possible" I said running my fingers through my hair and smirking.

"oh shut up" Abu said laughing, after we carried on talking mostly about looks Mohammed started crying which was such a painful noise to hear.

"A nappy change and a bath" Abu said getting up.

"I'll do It" Amira said getting up "pass him over"

"Jazakallah Amira,I was going to ask you anyway" Abu said handing him over

"haha, oh boy his gone heavy what you been feeding him" she said

"milk, not powdered though, but from Nifas-"

"Okay, Okay stop there" Amira said interrupting him and going off.

"Too much detail bro" I said

"I was just stating facts" he replied

Amiras *POV*

I made my way upstairs and Into the bathroom, I gave him a quick bath dried him up and changed his nappy.

"I can't wait till you grow up Inshallah so I can spoil you with nice clothes" I said "But I guess babygrows will have to do Mohammed", I then tickled his tummy and he gave me that cute baby laugh, I stared at him for a while and admired his cute self.

I then grabbed his bottle and fed him until he fell asleep. Mashallah.

Later I came downstairs and started preparing dinner, my special lasagne, or should I say La-Han-Ya.

I prayed Asr with Abu and Jahmaine, then we all relaxed and watched TV.

"I wonder who killed Sunny?" Jahmaine said

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