Chapter 3: Will You Marry Me?

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*Jahmaines POV*

I had just finished praying my morning prayer. I looked in the mirror, I had started forming a beard and a moustache, but my beard wasn't big it was like Liam Payne's, small, short and neat. I didn't intend to have a big beard, I wanted to keep it small.

"You ready bro" That was my sister Hadija

"Yeah I guess",

Today was the day I was going to propose to Amira, I'd already bought the ring, I'd talked to Amiras dad for his blessing and acceptance. He said he was totally okay with it, and wishes the best for us.

" I Can't believe I'm going to propose" I said

"neither can I, she really is a beautiful girl you chose the right one brother" Hadija said.

"Allhamdilulah Hadija"I replied.

Since Amira asked me the questions on paper we had another 3 or 4 meetings accompinied by Abu and we talked on email a couple of times. Today would be our last one, then hopefully Inshallah a nikah and walima would be on the way. Hadija has only met her a couple of times but they got on really well, I'd think they were sisters.

My Mum and Hadija came with me this time because It was going to be special, we all sat in the car while I drove.

"Listen son, I just wanna say how proud I am of you" My mum said

"Mashallah" She said while she tried fixing my hair. I moved away.

"And don't be nervous, she'll say yes" my mum said

"Hopefully Inshallah" I said, trying to focus on the road.


After a 30 minute drive we finally got there, I parked outside and sat still, I cant believe that Im going to propose, Im going to have a wife, only if she says yes. I really liked Amira, throughout the day I was praying she'd say yes. Hadija and Mum kept telling me she will say yes but maybe that was just to get my hopes up.

"You ready?" My mum said, I nodded and came out the car we walked to the door and knocked, I quickly reached in my pocket to see If I have the case.

The door then suddenly opened and Amira stood behind, she was wearing a light purple dress and a sparkly dark purple headscarf. She looked beautiful.

"Oh asalam aleikum" she said smiling "come in", she said looking at me, I looked back smiling.

We stepped into the house greeting her. Hadija and my mum gave her a hug and kept complamenting on her dress.

"Oh mashallah my dear, you look so beautiful" My mum said taking off her shoes.

"Allhamdilulah" Amira said "how are you?" she said to me, I paused for a bit

"Im fine Allhamdilulah, how about you?"I asked

"Im good thank you", she signalled for us to enter the living room. I sat on the chair, when Abu came in.

"Asalam aleikum" he said

"waleikum salam" we all said, he then shook my hand really tight. "I'll get you back" I whispered, he smirked went to go and sit down, then Amira came in with her parents and I think she was with her little sister Aisha she told me about and her older one Ariana. This was like one big gathering.

"Asalam aleikum" they greeted us, we said our salams back.

"Well this is my little sister Aisha, she's around your age Hadija" Amira said, they both smiled at eachother and waved.

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