Chapter 11: Fighting For Survival

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I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this book, the comments are amazing and it's what keeps me going thank you so much guys xxx

*Jahmaines POV*

Its been 3 hours since our argument and I was surprised Amira hadn't called me or anyone in the family, she still hadn't realised how she was in the wrong, but yet again I was too, I was pretty harsh on her, but I just let anger take over me.

Could this be the end of us?, It had only been 4 months and I was madly in love with her, I didn't want to lose her, and I never held grudges, I promised to fight for our relationship.

I prayed Isha and went over to Amiras house to see If we could sort this out. I didn't want to be angry any more and hopefully neither did she.

On my way I saw Abu and Ariana as well and I started wondering what had happend?

"Jahmaine!" Abu shouted coming towards me with Ariana. I turned and met eyes with them.

"Whats wrong?" I asked

"Bro didn't you get the text" Abu said, I shook my head.

"Lets go inside guys" Ariana said going up the steps.

We entered the house and I saw Aisha and her parents sat on the couch but I never saw Amira,and I started getting extremly worried.

"Asalam aleikum" Hajj greeted, we all said our salams back.

"What happend papa?" Abu asked

"Its Amira, shes missing" Aisha said

"What do you mean by missing?" I asked

"We've phoned her a lot and she hasnt picked up her phone, we've also phoned everyone she knows and they dont know where she is, so thats why we called you three" Aunt Safina said hopefully.

"I have no idea where she is" Ariana said

"have you called the police?" I asked

"Not yet, we thought she'd be back by now" Aisha said

"Well call them for Gods Sake! Its been more than 2 hours" Abu demanded. We all looked at eachother until Ariana pulled out her phone and called them.

10 minutes later 2 police men came over and we showed them a picture of her.

"She's about 5 foot 2, green eyes and she was wearing a Purple scarf and black hooded jacket" Aisha said, If anything bad happend to her I would hate myself forever.

"Thanks, thats all the information we need, we'll call If there's any updates" the man said as they walked out.

"She was angry at all of us" Hajj said

"I think I must've ticked her off" I said digging my head in my hands. "We exchanged words" I said.

"Dont blame yourself son" Hajj said.

"You guys all ganged up on her!" Aisha shouted "I heard everything and how mum and Dad were calling her stupid when shes graduating soon" she added

"Aisha we know, when the police find her we will all talk to her okay" Hajj said

"She knows you didn't mean anything" Abu said.

10 minutes later we recieved a phone call from the police.

"Hello" Aunt Safina answered, after a couple of seconds her face turned pale and started tearing up and we all got scared, what happend to Amira, My Amira!

"Thanks for telling me" she said crying and hanging up the phone.

"What Is It?" Abu asked crying

"Shes been found unconsious on Rowthall hill" Aunt Safina said, I felt my heart slow down and everyones voices just got muffled.

"If your only going to nag me then you might as well just go"

"Gladly, your nothing but a pain!"

hearing those words, the words I said to her made me want to slap myself.

Aisha began crying while Ariana hugged her. And I could see tears fill in everyones eyes.

"We all need to go now" I said firmly I stood up and took hold of my keys.

"Abu you go with Aisha and Ariana" Hajj said he then looked at me and we rushed to my car.

I stepped on the gas pedal and drove to St Thomas hospital as fast as I could.

As soon as we got there we rushed to the ward she was In.

"Excuse me, my daughters in here" Aunt Safina said to the nurse.

"Her name?" The nurse asked

"Amira Ramone" Hajj said

"Oh right she's still in a critical conditon so only 2 people allowed at a time" the nurse said, we all looked at eachother.

"Can me and Jahmaine go first?" Abu said grabbing my shoulders, everyone agreed, I built up the courage to go and see her without crying.

"Let's go then" I said swallowing the big lump in my throat. We walked to her bed and the nurse uncovered the curtains. It was unbelieveable, I broke down In tears as I stared at my Wifes lifeless body, It was my fault she was in here, there was a big tube coming out of her mouth and her eyes were tight shut with a purple bruise on her left eye and a few scars on her face.

"She's had a head injury" the nurse said

"Oh my god!" Abu shouted, I then looked at him as he started crying.

"Abu, dont cry" I said trying comforting him.

"No you don't understand, she had a car accident nearly 2 years ago and the doctor said, another head injury could be the end of her" Abu stated

"Lets not think like that" I said holding back my tears.

"Actually that was very useful information, lets get her in for a MRI scan" the nurse then said a couple more doctors and nurses came and wheeled her bed away. I couldn't help but cry, I felt so numb and If anything bad happend to Amira wallahi I would never forgive myself.

But Amira was a fighter, Ya Allah forgive her and forgive me as we have not been very loyal to eachother.

Oooooh, Whats gonna happen to Amira?, Will it be minor? or major?.

Thanks for the votes and comments guys, And of course the reads, It makes me feel so happy to know that your reading this and enjoying it and It makes me want to write more. Untip next time my friends xxx

(Ramadan Kareem x)

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