Chapter 15: Baby Blues

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Amira's *POV*

I wasn't even 3 months pregnant yet but I was dying to tell people, I never knew keeping such good news like this would be so hard. My mum didn't even know. And she knew everything about me.

It's been 2 weeks since I found out about my pregnancy and I'd been feeling my body change In different ways. I had put on weight but my tummy was completely flat, my arms, hips and legs had only got a bit bigger. I wish I could keep my tummy that way; but I knew couldn't.

I'd been eating less, much less in fact, only 1-2 meals a day. Plus I'd been secretly skipping dinner and pouring the food back into the pan claiming It as leftovers, whenever Jahmaine asked Why there was so much left overs left?, I said because I was feeding 3 people. Hopefully Inshallah I would regain my Appetite.

"I was thinking I could cook you something now and today for Iftaar" Jahmaine said slamming himself on the couch.

"I was thinking pasta salad and lots of chicken"

"I should be the one preparing you a feast because your fasting and I don't need anything to eat now I'm not hungry." I said

"Amira you may not be hungry but little Bashir Ivy Carter might be" He said

"Another name?" I said laughing

"Yes, anyway let me cook you something now" he said

"No Jahmaine I practically just ate" I said

"Seriously? have you?" he asked

"Yes" I said resting my head on his chest.

The doorbell then rang and I got up to answer It, yay saved by the doorbell.
I hate when Jahmaine questions me, and the fact his a lawyer makes it worse.
I opened the door and Mustafa came In.

"Alam Wulukum" he said

"It's Asalam Aleikum" I said "But Waleikum Salam anyway"

"Hey Bro" Jahmaine said hugging him.

"Hey" Mustafa replied

"What brings you here?" Jahmaine asked

"I need a place to stay for a while because my bedrooms getting rebuilt, and I wanna get married, does anyone have the time?" Mustafa said all at once. I was in complete shock, where do I begin?

So, he wants to crash at my house, he'd obviously find out Im pregnant seeing as his already suspicious.

He wants to get married, Seriously, to whom? Mustsfa?, whats this sudden change of heart, I thought he was "Top Player".

And he was asking for the time when he had a watch on his wrist.

"Woah I mean It's fine by me if you wanna stay here, but marriage? really?" Jahmaine said

"Hold up, can't you stay in a hotel, where's your Dad staying?" I asked

"At aunt Hibatus house" He replied

"So, why can't you stay there too" I said

"because Jahmaine wouldn't be there" he replied

"Aww Amira please?, can we keep him?" Jahmaine said pulling Mustafa towards himself. They then both made these ridiculous puppy faces at me and It was a bit creepy, but I ended up agreeing.

Now let's talk marriage.

We all went to the living room and started talking.

"So, Why do you want to get married, who to?, and can I meet her?" I said

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