Our Wonderful Walima

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*Jahmaines POV*

The day of our walima had finally come, Allhamdilulah.

But not only was It our walima, It was also my birthday, 25 at last, I feel so old.

"Happy Birthday!" Amira said handing me a small box.

"oh Jazakallah" I said taking the box and kissing her cheek.

"Open It" she demanded.

I then opened the box and It revealed a chain with my name in arabic and underneath It said "Peace&Love".

"This is so sweet" I said, Amira then looked down and smiled.

"Anyway I have to get ready at my mums place" she said grabbing her bags

"Okay, I'll see you later Inshallah" I said, she then walked out the door.

After praying I had a shower and got dressed in my suit.

"Knock Knock" A voice said from behind the door, It was mustafa, he came in with Uncle Moses behind him.

"Asalam aleikum son" Uncle said shaking my hand.

"waleikum salam"I said as I fixed my bow tie

"where's your sexy wife?" Mustafa asked, I slapped his head.

"shut up"I said

"the video man and dj are downstairs" Uncle Moses said

"Cool, I said, when does he start recording?" I asked

"as soon as you come downstairs" Mustafa said. Me and Amira decided to record our wedding, put it on a film, something our kids can look at Inshallah.

"Well lets go" I said, as I walked downstairs with my dad, uncle moses and Mustafa. I stepped into the car with Abu driving and my Dad, Mustafa and Uncle Moses.

The dj and camera man followed behind us.

*Amiras POV*

"Oh Im hopeful, yes I am, hopeful for today, take this music and use it, let it take you away" I sang along with the music

"My ears" Aisha said

"oh shut up, we can't all sing like Jahmaine" I said

I was getting ready for my wedding celebration at my mums house. The makeup and hair lady had already done my hair and makeup, Aisha helped me into my dress and my mum structured my veil onto my hair properly.

"are you ready to go?" My mum asked

"yep" I said smiling

"You look beautiful mashallah" my mum said

"Jazakallah, so do you"

"naah im too old for that" she said.

"Your only 49" I told her

"Well you really know how to make a lady feel young" she said as we walked into the car.

"You ready?" Ariana said clutching onto the steering wheel.

"Of course" I said smiling, time to party.

We drove to the wedding hall and finally got there, I saw Jahmaines car parked near the building meaning he was already here.

I went through the back of the building making sure no one saw me as I was the bride I was meant to enter the wedding hall last as it was part of our tradition.

I heard a lot of people enter the hall, and my nerves started to take over, It was like my Nikkah but even bigger.

I was upstairs with Aisha,Nifa and Ariana, and Aunt Sumaya, my mum and dad were in the party greeting the guest and Abu was obviously with Jahmaine as they were now 'best friends.' I took a peak at the party from the window, and there were about 200-350 people, I saw all the tables layed out and a big table at the front which Im guessing was the V.I.P table for me, Jahmaine and our families to sit.

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