A Villian Inside

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*Jahmaine's POV*

Today was my mums 53rd Birthday, Allhamdulilah, I thank Allah she lived another year.

I would do anything for my Mum, I respected her so much and hoped in return she'd do dua for me.

Through the good times and the bad she'd always been there, right by my side and not an inch further. I thank her for that. I sent her flowers and a £100 cheque I saved for her since the start of February.

I knew she was either gonna spend the money on buying Hadija shoes or anyone but herself that's why this time I sent her a list with lots of suggestions on what she can do with that money.



-Painting her room

-Clothes for HERSELF

It just showed how much of a generous person she was.

"You coming shopping with me?" Amira asked sitting behind me and massaging my shoulders.

"Depends what kind of shopping?" I asked.

"Clothes and Utilities for our baby, food, Clothes for myself after I give birth and some for now while im still preggers" She said.

"So no part of this shopping will benefit me?" I said

"Obviously clothes for you, those shirts you wear these days look pretty tight on you" she said "talking about tight clothes, you know before my pregnancy I was 9 stonnes, now I'm nearly 12 Stonnes and I was a size 12 now Im a size 14"

"Thats so amazing" I said sarcastically.

She playfully rolled her eyes and put on a long grey top and a grey blazer. She put on her new favourite Black headscarf my dad got for her when he came back from Mecca.

"You look nice" I said kissing her cheek.

"Mashallah, but you could at least change your trousers" She said putting both her hands in my trouser pockets and looking up at me.

"Fine" I said slightly annoyed. I removed her hand and put on a pair of Chinos.

"Happy" I said coming out of the closet.

She then looked up from her phone and smiled.

"Perfect" She said smiling, she slipped on a pair of her black air max and sprayed on her honey perfume which I loved. It was the exact same perfume as my great grandma's.

"You smell nice" I said sniffing her neck.

"Thanks" she said "Don't I always smell like this though"

"Yes but I just like the smell of honey, honey" I said giving her a cheeky wink.

"Oh wow, your game has sunk" she said

"Hey calm down now, I was joking. Of course I have game"

"Obviously, otherwise how would you have got me" She said tapping her shoulder, praising herself. I then laughed and grabbed the car keys and my phone.

"I'll meet you in the car" I said

"Okay I'll be quick" she said

"Now don't go taking mysterious pregnancy tests while I'm waiting and surprise with 100 of them layed on the bathroom floor" I said laughing. She then cracked up.

I was in the car for a couple of minutes until my phone started ringing. It was an unknown number, I answered it and waited for the voice to speak.

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