The Rescue

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*Amiras POV*

I rushed to the car and held onto Abu, I relaxed his head on my lap.

"Im stuck" he said faintly. "It hurts" he said.

"Of course your in pain, there's a car on top of you" I said. "Abu, I need you to stay awake for me bro, lets talk about something, anything?"

"Mohammed" he said "I want to talk about Mohammed"

"Yes of course, how is he"

"His my son" Abu said

"I know he is Abu, his your baby" I said

"And his your babys cousin" Abu said

"Exactly, What do you think I should name this baby?" I asked

"Name it something cool, name it something cool like Abubakar" Abu said. I then laughed and looked around, the ambulance still wasn't here.

"What makes your name so cool?" I asked

"It's only cool because I own it" he said, I then chuckled. "I wanna see Mohammed" 

"Abu Mohammeds at home with his mum" I said "But his safe"

"I miss him, his my baby" Abu said "His my son"

"Yes, your beautiful baby boy. Listen Abu I need to check in your ears for bleeding" I said.

"Why would my ears be bleeding?" He said

"No I need to look inside and see if your internally bleeding" I said. I then grabbed my phone and put on the torch, I looked through and luckily didn't see any signs of Internal blood.

I then looked out and finally saw 3 ambulance cars pull up. They then all rushed down as I went to them.

"Hi miss can you please tell us what happened?" One of them said while the others went over to Jahmaine Mustafa and Abu.

"Well my husband and his cousin were In the car and they got run off the road. After a while my dad brother and friend went to go help them and the car exploded, I only just came down now." I explained.

"Were going to have to cut these two out of the car!" One of them shouted.

I then stood back watching, I had to be brave, I couldn't think negative things. I knew I had to be brave. They got Mustafa out and slowly lay him on the bed. Then finally Jahmaine.

"Excuse me, how exactly are you going to get my brother out?" I asked "His stuck under a car"

"Don't worry miss, we'll get him out" the man said.

I then walked over to the back of my car, where was my dad? I then walked further out and saw him lay on the floor slowly getting up.

"Papa" I said helping him up.

"Amira?" He said hugging me. "Amira where's the rest?" He asked

"There over there" I said, he then limped over and I followed behind him.

"Where's Abu?" He asked

"There getting him out" I said.

"Sir where you involved in the accident. You need to come with us" the man said.

"No! That's my son" my dad said going to Abu, he then knelt down looking at him.

Why was my dad so damn stubborn.

"Abu?" My dad called.

My mind slowly drifted away, I was lost in thoughts. Abu? Jahmaine? Mustafa? I was so relieved my dad was ok. Everything all just happend in one day. It was so surreal. I hate Maryam, twisted, evil and desperate. Because of her all this is happening.

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